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Re: [SG16] D1949R4 - Unicode Identifiers

From: Jens Maurer <Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2020 23:26:02 +0200
On 26/05/2020 22.51, Steve Downey via SG16 wrote:
> Find attached a draft of the UAX31 paper for discussion.
> Viewable at http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/steve-downey/papers/blob/master/generated/p1949.html
> Source at https://github.com/steve-downey/papers/blob/master/p1949.md
> (note that github doesn't format the same way that mpark's WG21 format does)

Section 1, third bullet: add "be" (otherwise the sentence is missing a verb)

"Note that #define and ## require identifiers as operands, and combining characters are generally not allowed as leading characters in identifiers.

This is correct for #define, but not for ##.
A pp-token is enough for ##; in particular, you can combine
an identifier with a pp-number (which is not an identifier).

"[ Note: In translation phase 4, identifier also includes those preprocessing-tokens (5.4 [lex.pptoken]) differentiated as keywords (5.11 [lex.key]) in the later translation phase 7 (5.6 [lex.token]). – end note ]"

Please make "identifier" and "preprocessing-token" italics (grammar references).


Received on 2020-05-26 16:29:10