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Re: Packaging: Where should "library interface object files" live?

From: Michael Spencer <bigcheesegs_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 22:06:02 -0800
On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 7:22 PM Chuanqi Xu <chuanqi.xcq_at_[hidden]>

> > I agree that it adds a bunch of costs
> It is not only about cost for implementations but some usability for named
> modules.
> For example, for:
> ```
> export module a;
> export int a() { ... }
> ```
> The function `a()` will be compiled (and optimized) exactly once. This is
> a pretty good property. But with the proposing method:
> ```
> export module a [[inline_entities]];
> export int a() { ... }
> ```
> Now the function `a()` will be compiled in every TU using it (directly and
> indirectly). I feel it really like headers except it can't export macros..

It's once per context where you know it will be used. Worst case is every
TU, but in general I would expect it to be once per "build". For example
CMake could do once per top level cmake invocation.

- Michael Spencer

> > The thing is it's nearly impossible for a build system to do this. As
> soon as you're mixing libraries compiled at different times and potentially
> with different build systems, you don't know if some other library already
> has a copy of the .o for a module interface you depend on.
> It depends on the scope of topics. If we're only talking about std
> modules, it should be possible since the scope is highlly limited.
> > We should just tell stdlib vendors to include the module interface
> object files as part of the stdlib library. If some specific ABI issue
> comes up, we can deal with that, but for libc++ and libstdc++ I don't think
> there are any unless std::ios_base::Init somehow has them.
> Agreed.
> Thanks,
> Chuanqi
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:Michael Spencer <bigcheesegs_at_[hidden]>
> Send Time:2024 Feb. 19 (Mon.) 11:06
> To:Chuanqi<chuanqi.xcq_at_[hidden]>
> Cc:SG15<sg15_at_[hidden]>
> Subject:Re: [SG15] Packaging: Where should "library interface object
> files" live?
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 6:29 PM Chuanqi Xu <chuanqi.xcq_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
> > As for interface only modules, I think they will be necessary to
> support. My preference here is to stick an attribute on the module
> declaration that tells build systems that there may not be a linker input
> with external definitions, and so they need to ensure at least one object
> file with linkonce_odr definitions exists. When the compiler builds an
> object file for a module with this attribute, it emits everything as
> linkonce_odr. This allows us to keep the assumption that we don't need to
> generate these object files in the general case, but still allow for
> multiple object files to exist for interface only modules without trying to
> communicate that in a side band.
> Then we downgrade (or change) the named modules to something pretty
> similar with header modules. it sounds not like a good idea since it breaks
> the ability of named modules to avoid duplicated compilations in the middle
> and back end. Also it is a drastic change to the ABI...
> I agree that it adds a bunch of costs, but I think we are going to end up
> with it regardless. It's definitely a change to the ABI, but it's not
> incompatible. If you do have a strong definition anywhere then that takes
> over. Requiring the attribute would mean it only happens when someone
> specifically asks for it.
> I'm happy to see how far we can go without it, but I'm not at all going to
> be surprised when someone ships a module and tells people to just include
> it as part of their project and it works fine until some 3rd party tries to
> use two different libraries that did this.
> > In previous discussions of this issue over the years I've always
> asserted that the distributed library needs to have any module interface
> object files, but that it would also be nice to have a linkonce_odr ABI to
> support interface only libraries if possible. If you look at the code Clang
> generates today, even an empty module, it generates an external definition
> of the module initialization function. If multiple consumers of a given
> library decide they need to generate their own, then you will get a
> multiple definition error from the linker.
> In the general case, I feel everyone here agree that the interface object
> files should be part of the distributed library (.a, .so). And for the std
> module, we (especially build system vendors) need to review how should we
> support std modules. If we like the status quo, then it is the
> responsibility of the build system to make sure the multiple definitions
> you described wouldn't happen. If we want the std modules to keep the
> common behavior, we should ask for the standard library vendors to change
> the distributed library.
> The thing is it's nearly impossible for a build system to do this. As soon
> as you're mixing libraries compiled at different times and potentially with
> different build systems, you don't know if some other library already has a
> copy of the .o for a module interface you depend on. We should just tell
> stdlib vendors to include the module interface object files as part of the
> stdlib library. If some specific ABI issue comes up, we can deal with that,
> but for libc++ and libstdc++ I don't think there are any unless
> std::ios_base::Init somehow has them.
> - Michael Spencer
> Thanks,
> Chuanqi
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: SG15 <sg15_at_[hidden]>
> Send Time:2024 Feb. 19 (Mon.) 09:32
> To:SG15<sg15_at_[hidden]>
> Cc:Michael Spencer<bigcheesegs_at_[hidden]>
> Subject:Re: [SG15] Packaging: Where should "library interface object
> files" live?
> I'm going to use the LLVM linkage type names in this as the names of these
> things differ between ELF, MachO, and COFF; and LLVM has a well defined
> mapping: https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#linkage-types
> In previous discussions of this issue over the years I've always asserted
> that the distributed library needs to have any module interface object
> files, but that it would also be nice to have a linkonce_odr ABI to support
> interface only libraries if possible. If you look at the code Clang
> generates today, even an empty module, it generates an external definition
> of the module initialization function. If multiple consumers of a given
> library decide they need to generate their own, then you will get a
> multiple definition error from the linker.
> libc++ already deals with differing ABI issues today, and actually goes
> further than any other library I'm aware of to make that work. libc++ can
> continue to do this with exactly the same mechanism they use now
> (__abi_tag__ and being very careful). Modules don't change this, and given
> libc++'s current implementation strategy of `using` declarations, the .o
> file they generate for the std module will only contain a module init
> function.
> The benefit of using external definitions is that nobody else ever needs
> to generate them, the compiler can always assume they will be present.
> There is also some debug info that can be contained in the object file
> instead of duplicated.
> For other libraries, modules don't change ABI concerns either. If you
> include code as part of your module interface it has exactly the same ABI
> concerns as with headers with regard to how the BMI is built. The only new
> thing is that now the library author has some say over how the BMI is
> built; however, this is not absolute control, and so you need to be
> prepared to deal with arbitrary differences anyway, just as with headers. A
> library author should document what differences they support.
> As for interface only modules, I think they will be necessary to support.
> My preference here is to stick an attribute on the module declaration that
> tells build systems that there may not be a linker input with external
> definitions, and so they need to ensure at least one object file with
> linkonce_odr definitions exists. When the compiler builds an object file
> for a module with this attribute, it emits everything as linkonce_odr. This
> allows us to keep the assumption that we don't need to generate these
> object files in the general case, but still allow for multiple object files
> to exist for interface only modules without trying to communicate that in a
> side band.
> - Michael Spencer
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 8:11 AM Jan Kokemüller via SG15 <
> sg15_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi,
> let's say I'm packaging a modularized C++ library "foo" that consists of a
> module implementation unit "foo.cpp" and an importable module unit
> "foo.cppm".
> Where should the "library interface object files" live? In the
> "libfoo.{a,so}"
> I ship, or can I punt this task to the consumer, who will compile the
> importable module unit "foo.cppm" anyway (to get the BMI's)?
> With "library interface object files" I mean the object files that are
> generated by compiling the importable module unit "foo.cppm". I'm using the
> terminology from Daniela Engert's talk here:
> <https://youtu.be/nP8QcvPpGeM?t=333>
> At least with Clang, the "library interface object files" will at least
> contain
> the symbol for the "module initializer function" as laid out by the
> proposed
> updates to the Itanium ABI:
> <
> https://github.com/itanium-cxx-abi/cxx-abi/pull/144/files#diff-b803017e5afd1b6dfe35e5e0e719d895559129c35b93f056074a72928269ae23R5022-R5048
> >
> So far I had assumed from following discussions and from my own experiments
> with CMake >= 3.28 and reading Conan's plan
> (<https://blog.conan.io/2023/10/17/modules-the-packaging-story.html>)
> that the
> "library interface object files" (that contain e.g. the symbols for the
> module
> initializer functions) will live in the library artifact "libfoo.{a,so}".
> That
> way, as a consumer of that library, I can describe that library in my CMake
> build system by creating an "imported" CMake target, without having to
> build
> anything else except for the BMI's of the importable module units.
> Furthermore, I had also assumed that the P2577R2 style metadata file that
> describes the modules of a library is placed next to a library artifact
> that
> contains the "library interface object files" (including the module
> initializer
> symbols). That is also the reason I thought there always _exists_ a library
> artifact for the metadata file to be placed next to, as the library
> artifact
> will always at least contain the module initializer symbol.
> In contrast, an alternative style of packaging a modularized library is
> possible, where the library artifact does _not_ contain the "library
> interface
> object files", instead requiring the consumer to build them in addition to
> the
> BMI's. In CMake terms, users then could _not_ create an "imported" library
> target, instead having to add a "proper" library target to their build that
> "owns" the "library interface object files".
> In my mind, this alternative style creates a number of headaches for the
> build
> and packaging ecosystems as they have to cope with those additional
> libraries
> required for holding the "library interface object files". It would
> certainly
> be simpler for consumers if those symbols where "owned" by the library
> artifact
> itself.
> I stumbled across this issue as I was trying to consume the experimental
> libc++
> "std" module. libc++ chose the second approach, i.e. the module initializer
> symbols are not packaged up in any library artifact provided by libc++. In
> the
> resulting discussion on the libc++ bug tracker
> (<https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/80639>) people have
> encouraged me
> to approach SG15.
> What do you think about this issue? I'm curious about use cases for the
> alternative packaging approach. Certainly there would need to be another
> key
> like "library-contains-interface-object-files" in the metadata file so that
> users know what kind of packaging approach was used. But I hope there can
> be
> convergence on one approach so that kind of complexity could be avoided.
> -Jan
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Received on 2024-02-19 06:06:18