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Re: Proposal for module metadata format to be used by the std library and others

From: Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 12:00:38 -0500
On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 11:40:42 -0500, Tom Honermann wrote:
> A bit of a tangent related to static analysis being ambivalent with
> regard to libraries...
> Historically, static analysis has been blissfully unaware of program
> composition from a linkage perspective, but there are good incentives in
> place for that to change. Coverity now supports an integration with
> Black Duck that allows for Coverity's build capture to record how TUs
> are compiled to object files which are then composed into libraries
> which are then linked into programs. The primary motivation for that
> support is to enable software composition analysis of both source and
> binary files used in an application. This analysis provides a bill of
> materials that enables vulnerability assessments to be performed when
> security weaknesses are identified in common components. A secondary
> motivation is to enable more efficient analysis by only analyzing TU
> groups that are actually combined into a program and to prune false
> positives that can result when TUs that are never linked together are
> analyzed as a group (this can happen when a primary source file is
> compiled in multiple distinct ways for different purposes or for
> different targets; static analysis has to pick one variant and does not
> necessarily have sufficient information to pick the right one in the
> absence of linkage information).

Sure, a linker-aware static analyzer needs to know, but why can't it use
the same "this library -> these modules" discovery path that the build
system is using? In any case, the "play pretend" analysis doesn't have a
library around to link to.

For example, `clang-tidy` looking at Xcode-generator sources in CMake
when developing on my Linux machine "works" today even with the broken
macOS SDK header includes. Sure, I get noise about `NS*` types not being
defined, but I still get useful feedback on the general C++ source.
Hopefully that can continue to be the case even if I end up making a
bogus `apple.macos` module for things to use.


Received on 2023-12-13 17:00:41