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Re: Provide build systems with ways to build the std(.compat) modules

From: Daniela Engert <dani_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 07:55:16 +0200
Am 02.07.2023 um 17:41 schrieb Mark de Wever via SG15:
> The proposed path seems not a good path for Windows. I hope the
> Microsoft developers have a suggestion. Would it be possible for other
> libraries to match with MSVC STL does?
> The things I would like to discuss are:
> - Are we happy with the proposed locations on non-Windows systems?
> - What would be a good location on Windows?
> - What information do build system vendors need to turn the sources into
> BMI files and how is this information provided.
After a long phase of experiments with modularizing existing libraries I
came to this procedure:

1) if a library is split into type-based subdirectories (like e.g.
'inc', 'include' for header files and 'src', 'source' for source files)
then I create a new subdirectory 'module' and place *all* additional
module TUs with BMI outputs (like *.ixx for the PMIF, interface
partitions, and internal partitions) in there. I still haven't made my
mind up yet where to eventually place module implementation TUs (*.cpp)
(if any): either into the source file subdirectory or into the module

2) if a library is *not* split into type-based subdirectories then the
additional module TUs go side-by-side with the headers that contain the
library interface

3) composed libraries or federations like Boost, Qt, ... is something
that I haven't gone into yet and need more experiments


Received on 2023-07-06 05:55:34