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Re: Meeting on Friday March 4th at 9AM Pacific.

From: David Blaikie <dblaikie_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 20:46:51 -0800
On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 4:34 PM Olga Arkhipova via SG15 <
sg15_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I think it would be useful to finish the discussion about scenarios and
> assumptions before we go to solutions
> Here is what I believe we’ve got so far
> Suppose we have:
> Library A: contains Module A
> Library B: contains Module B which imports Module A
> Code C: imports Module B
> The libraries can come in different forms:
> 1. *Binary Libraries *– libraries that contain prebuilt BMIs and
> static lib (as well as at least some sources)
> 2. *Source Libraries* – libraries that don’t contain any binaries,
> most of the popular libraries today. There are two main forms today
> These two scenarios don't seem to include what I think is the more common
scenario that, so far as I understand it, is at the core one being
discussed in the proposal:

Code that would currently ship as a binary library - headers and
precompiled (static and/or shared) libraries. I think "most of the popular
libraries today" ship this way (see LLVM, boost, etc).

The scenario that Bloomberg folks are trying to figure out is what those
libraries look like/how they ship in a modules world - which means shipping
module interface source and precompiled static/shared libraries (/maybe/
some BMIs that cover some compilers and build configurations, but the more
challenging cases/motivation for the proposal are where those BMIs aren't
applicable to the consumer's (C's) build) - and probably some kind of build
instructions for the module interface source. The hope/desire is to
standardize these build instructions, to some degree. Not for building the
whole source of library A or B, only the BMIs.

> 1.
> *b.1. Header only libraries * – headers are built as a part of the user’s
> code TUs.
> * Note*: This form is not applicable to module interfaces as they are
> different TUs. The module interface source will have to be built explicitly
> (i.e. it has to be b.2).
> *b.2. Sources and (some) build instructions - *sources are built on the
> user’s machine with user’s build tools (producing static or dynamic lib)
> which then consumed by the user’s build.
> The build is performed either by the package manager or by user’s build
> explicitly. The result and further usage is similar to Binary Libraries.
> *Scenarios and assumptions *
> 1. Main build of C.
> 1.1 The build needs to have Module B’s and Module A’s BMIs to be able
> to compile the source that import Module B.
> The build needs to
> 1.1.1. find BMIs in the (assuming it can read them) using the
> information available to that build system
> or
> 1.1.2. somehow re-build the BMIs (assuming it cannot read them).
> 1.2. The build also needs to find and link static lib of Library B
> (which contains implementation of Module B), as well as static lib of
> Library A (which contains implementation of Module A).
> 1. Tools outside of the main build (IDE, static analysis, etc.) need
> to compile/parse C.
> Assumption: the main build of C succeeds on the same machine.
> For that they need to be able to rebuild Module A and Module B (the
> assumption is that they never can read BMIs).
Right - including the case where this "tool" might also be another
compiler. (eg: someone ships code with GCC BMIs and needs to compile it
with Clang - or a different build mode that's not BMI compatible (clang's
BMIs are much more constrained than their ABI - there are different flags
you can use that would make the BMI not valid to share, but would still be
usable with some exsiting shared/static library that the module was an
interface to))

> *What we’ve agreed on:*
> 1. Any library which contains modules must include module interface
> sources
> 2. If a library contains BMIs, it should also contain information
> (probably in some json form) sufficient to be able to rebuilt them.
> Could we remove the "IF a library contains BMIs" from this statement? "A
shipped library should include some portable-ish* means of defining how to
build BMIs from its module interface definitions"

* portable-ish in that it might have parts that lets it specify
compiler-specific flags (maybe general ones - GCC-like or MSVC-like, etc -
enable or disable certain warnings, or define certain preprocessor
directives, etc).

> 1.
> I also promised a description of what VS is doing for module’s build,
> please see attached.

Thanks! Had a bit of a look. Is my understanding correct that MSVC can't
consume external modules that don't include an MSVC Project file? (is this
true for external dependencies pre-modules, or is this a new/tighter
constraint for consuming external libraries?)

Received on 2022-03-04 04:47:03