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[SG15] SG15 Belfast Agenda Posted

From: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash <brycelelbach_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 02:41:39 +0300


We will be meeting Friday.

The agenda is currently light. If I overlooked something or you think
something should be added, please let me know. Right now we have:

P1881 Epochs: a backward-compatible language evolution mechanism
Vittorio Romeo P0 60 Minutes
P1857 Modules Dependency Discovery Michael Spencer P1 30 Minutes
P1905 In-Source Mechanism to Identify Importable Headers Corentin
Jabot P1 30 Minutes
P1908 Reserving Attribute Names for Future Use Corentin Jabot P1 30 Minutes
P1788 Reuse of The Built Modules (BMI) Olga Arkhipova P1 45 Minutes

Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash
CUDA Core C++ Libraries Lead @ NVIDIA
ISO C++ Library Evolution Incubator Chair
ISO C++ Tooling Chair
CppCon and C++Now Program Chair
CUDA Convert and Reformed AVX Junkie
Sleep is for the weak

Received on 2019-10-29 18:44:23