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Re: [SG12] EWG Requests feedback/suggestions on Core Issue 1555

From: Richard Smith <richardsmith_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 15:29:59 -0700
On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 3:25 PM Richard Smith <richardsmith_at_[hidden]>

> I don't feel like I have clarity on what EWG supports or does not support
> changing here (neither from an implementer's perspective nor from the
> perspective of a contributor to SG12).
> The status quo in the standard is:
> 1) Language linkage is part of the function type.
> 2) Initializing a function pointer with a wrong-language-linkage function
> (pointer) is a type error.
> 3) Explicitly casting a function pointer to the wrong type and calling it
> is UB.
> The status quo in implementations is mostly that (1) is not implemented
> for C language linkage, but that (2) is enforced for calling conventions
> that are part of function types. And I expect every implementation has some
> carve-outs for (3) in that they accept somewhat-different function types at
> caller versus callee (for example, the pointee types of pointer parameters
> may be permitted to vary in some ways).
> The only part of this that seems to obviously be in scope for SG12 is
> point (3), but that's not where the problem lies. Making (3) be
> conditionally-supported rather than UB does not address the issue, because
> programs like
> extern "C" void f();
> void g(void (*)());
> int main() { g(f()); }
> ... would still be ill-formed due to the type mismatch from (1) + (2). The
> implementations that ignore point (1) today would presumably still ignore
> point (1) and accept the program (so we never reach (3) because the types
> match). The implementations that implement point (1) today do so because
> the types are meaningfully different, and so they would continue to treat
> the call as UB.
> So any change to point (3) seems to be irrelevant if we don't also change
> (1) or (2).
> If we want to address this, it seems to me that we need to look at points
> (1) and (2), which seem like EWG questions not SG12 questions to me. And it
> sounds like the EWG telecon said that they're not prepared to make (1) or
> (2) conditionally-supported (rejecting CWG's suggested approach), but might
> be prepared to remove (some unspecified rule). So I think the leaves only a
> few options:
> (a) the status quo: the standard continues to say the same thing and
> vendors continue to ignore it,
> (b) we remove point (1) above and break the targets relying on it, or
> (c) we remove point (2) above.
> Option (c) would result in an SG12 question (what should happen if you
> implicitly convert a function pointer with one language linkage to a
> function pointer with a different language linkage and try to call it?). Is
> that what we're being asked? I think there's only one possible answer: that
> is UB, at least for the implementations where it results in a different
> calling convention. Making it conditionally-supported (or more concretely,
> an implementation-defined choice of UB or as if the calling conventions
> match) would mean it's still UB for code that wishes to be portable --
> which seems like a regression, since such obviously-not-type-safe code used
> to be ill-formed. The situation would be strictly better if we made point
> (2) conditionally-supported instead: then the same code would still build
> and work on the same targets, but on the targets where it doesn't work,
> you'd get an error at compile time instead of UB at runtime.
> So I don't think there's anything that SG12 can do to avoid option (c)
> being strictly worse than the "conditionally-supported" approach that EWG
> already expressed a dislike for, and none of the other options are in
> SG12's domain.
> Given the above, I think realistically EWG needs to choose between (a)
> (ie, all major implementations continue to ignore the standard rules), (b)
> (ie, at least one target cannot implement the C++ rules without a severe
> ABI break), conditionally-supported-(a) (which Hubert suggests was not
> considered), or conditionally-supported-(b) (ie, what CWG asked for and EWG
> said no to).
> To me it seems like (a) and (b) are not acceptable resolutions, and EWG
> didn't like conditionally-supported-(b). So maybe we should be considering
> conditionally-supported-(a) (which would simply be standardizing existing
> practice).

Sorry, I messed up some labels here. I meant:

Given the above, I think realistically EWG needs to choose between (a) (ie,
all major implementations continue to ignore the standard rules), (b) (ie,
at least one target cannot implement the C++ rules without a severe ABI
break), conditionally-supported-(b) (which Hubert suggests was not
considered), or conditionally-supported-(c) (ie, what CWG asked for and EWG
said no to).

To me it seems like (a) and (b) are not acceptable resolutions, and EWG
didn't like conditionally-supported-(b). So maybe we should be considering
conditionally-supported-(c) (which would simply be standardizing existing

> On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 1:11 PM Gabriel Dos Reis via SG12 <
> sg12_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> My inclination would be to upgrade the behavior from UB to conditionally
>> supported, but not further (e.g. no outright removal).
>> -- Gaby
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* SG12 <sg12-bounces_at_[hidden]> on behalf of Keane, Erich
>> via SG12 <sg12_at_[hidden]>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 15, 2020 8:55:54 AM
>> *To:* sg12_at_[hidden] <sg12_at_[hidden]>
>> *Cc:* Keane, Erich <erich.keane_at_[hidden]>
>> *Subject:* [SG12] EWG Requests feedback/suggestions on Core Issue 1555
>> Hi SG12-
>> In the EWG telecon today, we discussed core issue 1555 (
>> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/cwg_closed.html#1555
>> <https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.open-std.org%2Fjtc1%2Fsc22%2Fwg21%2Fdocs%2Fcwg_closed.html%231555&data=02%7C01%7Cgdr%40microsoft.com%7C0f2a8b0b3f754c1ea29c08d7f7786281%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637249968744430564&sdata=HXtvwaIBYHILQlUC%2BDEKrMXc2CC%2F0sE6n0ezz%2FvkxNA%3D&reserved=0>).
>> The summary of the issue is that the standard makes function types of
>> different language linkage incompatible, thus calling a function from a
>> pointer with different language linkage is undefined behavior. One unnamed
>> implementation was referenced during the discussion where language linkage
>> effects calling convention.
>> The major implementations (and none other than the 1 unnamed one listed)
>> simply don’t implement this restriction (that the types aren’t compatible)
>> because the calling convention is the same between the linkages.
>> EWG was undecided as to whether we should remove this instance
>> restriction, or leave it as undefined behavior. None seemed to support
>> CWG1555’s proposed resolution of conditionally-supported behavior.
>> (TL-DR people can start here😊 )
>> The outcome of the discussion is that the impact and scope of this
>> Undefined Behavior should be evaluated by SG12, and if possible, provide a
>> set of recommendations for dealing with this core issue.
>> -Erich
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Received on 2020-05-13 17:33:30