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[isocpp-wg14/wg21-liaison] SG22: P2865 and P2866 Nina Dinka Ranns (2024-07-06 09:47:45)

Re: [isocpp-wg14/wg21-liaison] Request for input on Rebasing C++26 on C23 (and LEWG Telecon on 2024-07-30) Inbal Levi (2024-07-02 22:07:44)

Re: [isocpp-wg14/wg21-liaison] SG22 telco doodle poll Nina Dinka Ranns (2024-07-04 07:37:59)

Re: [isocpp-wg14/wg21-liaison] [SC22WG14.26035] constexpr atomic in C++ compatibility concerns Hans Boehm (2024-07-01 21:43:00)

Last message date: 2024-07-08 17:24:36