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Re: [std-proposals] Trivial Relocatability - A better place for these specifiers

From: Arthur O'Dwyer <arthur.j.odwyer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:08:38 -0500
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 5:03 AM Wojciech Kwiliński via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hello!
> I want to express my concerns regarding the syntax proposed in "Trivial
> Relocatability for C++" (P2786R11).
> The authors of P2786 use the class property specifiers
> "memberwise_trivially_relocatable" and "memberwise_replacable" to signify
> that a class is trivially relocatable, like so:
> class MyClass
> memberwise_trivially_relocatable
> memberwise_replacable
> {
> // You still need to define these!
> MyClass(MyClass&&) {
> /* code */
> }
> MyClass& operator=(MyClass&&) {
> /* code */
> }
> };

You say "You still need to define these" — but that highlights your main
misconception here. The whole point of trivial relocatability — whether
it's the industry standard P1144 that WG21 doesn't talk about, or the P2786
version out of Bloomberg (which Bloomberg itself doesn't use) — is that you
can add trivial relocation on top of an existing class with non-trivial
move-construction, non-trivial assignment, and/or non-trivial destruction.

"Relocation" is the quantity-preserving analog of "copying." A set of
trivially *copyable* objects can have arbitrarily many *copies* of their
values made at arbitrary memory locations simply by putting the right bytes
there. A set of trivially *relocatable* objects can be relocated to
arbitrary memory locations simply by putting the right bytes there *if and
only if the mapping from source values to destination values is 1:1*.

For example, `unique_ptr<int>` is non-trivially move-constructible,
non-trivially move-assignable, and non-trivially destructible; yet it
remains *trivially relocatable*, because when you combine those
value-semantic operations in certain ways (such that each existing value is
preserved, possibly in a new location in memory), the *result* is
triviality (that is, "as if by copying the bytes").

So this explains why your next comment misses the target:

My primary issue with this syntax is how 'out of place' the specifiers are.
> They are related to the move special member functions, yet are nowhere near
> them.

The indication that a class is trivially relocatable pertains to *the class
as a whole*. It doesn't pertain to any single member function. That's why
it has to go on the class as a whole.

Consider the classic rule-of-five. While writing a class that follows this
> rule, we define the constructor, the copy constructor, the copy assignment,
> the move constructor, the move assignment, and the destructor. And then, we
> need to go back to add the specifiers (which, again, will be the case for
> most classes!).

Why go back? Couldn't you *start* by adding the specifier in a single
place, and then proceed to write the special member functions afterward? :)

> I propose the following replacement:
> class MyClass {
> MyClass(MyClass&&) [[memberwise_trivial]] {
> /* code */
> }
> MyClass& operator=(MyClass&&) [[memberwise_trivial]] {
> /* code */
> }
> };
> The main point of this change is to move the specifiers into a location
> more suited to their meaning. We also won't need to differentiate between
> 'trivial move construct' and 'trivial move assign'. That's up to where you
> place these attributes.

C++ already has `is_trivially_move_constructible` and
`is_trivially_move_assignable` as individual traits. Trivial relocation
doesn't have to do with those. Trivial relocatability is a whole-class
property, just like trivial copyability.

I recommend you read
which will be discussed by LEWG at the Hagenberg meeting at 7:30am New York
time tomorrow.
It ends by linking to four blog posts that describe trivial relocation (in
the industry-standard P1144 sense, not quite the P2786 sense — in fact one
is extremely anti-P2786) as well as my own blog's #relocatability tag


Received on 2025-02-11 03:08:52