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Re: [std-proposals] Public inheritance with banned conversion to base

From: Federico Kircheis <federico_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 15:48:12 +0000
On 22 January 2025 15:29:38 UTC, Dennis Gusev via Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>If you look up "inheriting from STL containers", the top results from SO
>and reddit all mention it being a bad practice since standard containers
>aren't designed to be inherited from.
>Specifically, they dont have virtual destructors so there's a risk of UB
>from deleting through pointer to base.
>Also if you override any existing member functions and accidentally pass
>your derived class to a function expecting a regular STL container, the
>original base class member functions will get called instead(not to mention
>potential object slicing).
>What if C++ had a way to publicly inherit from a class and also ban base
>class conversions to avoid potential usage pitfalls with something like
>class Base
> public:
> void foo()
> {
> std::println("Base foo");
> }
> void bar()
> {
> std::println("Base bar");
> }
>class PublicDerived : public Base
> public:
> void foo()
> {
> std::println("PublicDerived foo");
> }
>class ComposedDerived : composed Base // new type of inheritance
> public:
> void foo()
> {
> std::println("ComposedDerived foo");
> }
>void testFoo(Base& val)
> val.foo();
>int main()
> PublicDerived publicDerived;
> publicDerived.foo(); // prints "PublicDerived foo"
> publicDerived.bar(); // accessible, prints "Base bar"
> testFoo(publicDerived); // uh oh, prints "Base foo" even though we have
>our own foo
> ComposedDerived composedDerived;
> composedDerived.foo(); // prints "ComposedDerived foo"
> composedDerived.bar(); // still accessible, prints "Base bar"
> testFoo(composedDerived) // doesn't compile, conversion to base
> return 0;
>Has anything like this ever been proposed?
>Seems like it would address a common use case by making it possible to
>extend behavior of classes safely even if they weren't designed to be
>inherited from(i.e. no public virtual or protected nonvirtual destructor)

Protected and public inheritance.

Are they not enough?

Received on 2025-01-22 15:48:19