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[std-proposals] Letter to the C++ community

From: organicoman <organicoman_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:34:35 +0400
Hello Gents, (gents is and abbreviation of gentiles, you can add any postfix to make it gender aware: men, women, alien)Through the years following discussions and threads in the is group, and over the internet, i observed a degradation of the community unity.Members come carrying sometimes problems, sometimes solutions, sometimes observations, but as soon as they start getting answers, the threads turns into a mess.I saw members starting threads about embedded environments, comparisons against other trending languages, floating ideas...etc, and what they get against it : bullying!!!And the discussion strays toward an email war, and that paper holder, start arguing out off what he came for, which destroys all his ideas.🤦🏻‍♂️Remember that 90% of what you have in mind stays in your mind and the 10% you describe is badly translated into words. That's a human fact.You write a word on paper, and in your mind it means a sentence. For the reader it's confusing, and only through discussion you can extract that sentence.In all the industries i know of, only C++ developers call their users idiots, and in public!!That's alarming!I know that C++ as a language is quiet open, and that allows pulling very smart tricks.I guess that aptitude made people, in the community, raise a strong ego, like:"Hey, i pulled that magic art work...and you didn't...i have superpowers i don't need to listen to anyone from now on"That's not how it should work.If everyone adopts that aptitude, we will finish growing coders (language lawyers) instead of programmers.As a C++ community, we already have enough problems even among experts (one calls it universal blah blah, the other perfect blah blah, some advice against reference others advice for it since it is in the range library ...etc)Observe that the health of a community dictate its growth.... we are already losing users to other languages...one day you will find only yourself to call idiot.Plus, extreme divergence among members, made well reputable organizations advice against using C++.Are you ready, to see C++ extinguish?Are you ready to see so many years of your life, understanding the language, go poof !!??I highly recommend to change the overall behavior of this community. Be modest, be acceptive, be helpful..... just try be naive and play along.If you think you are smart, then definitely there are smarter than you.If you think that you are some kind of the temple guard, then know that this language is made by humans.Positivity is key attribute in a community. Please advocate for it.RegardsNadir.Sent from my Galaxy

Received on 2024-08-01 10:34:46