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[std-proposals] Proposal for extension std::mutex in ISO C++

From: anshul mittal <anshulmttl_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 10:14:20 +0530
I am Anshul Mittal building webserver using C++. I have found a new
solution to a problem.

When a single thread tries locking on the same mutex std::mutex it creates
a deadlock. This situation can arise in some projects and it arose for me.

I am sending this proposal to update the specification to incorporate this
new technology.

The std::mutex should not allow locking if the same thread is requesting
the lock on same mutex.

You can get thread id using std::this_thread::get_id().

Current situation :
mutex mut;
This creates a deadlock.

By putting thread id check the deadlock is prevented. I call this
SampleMutex mut;
mut.lock(); // This lock should not happen and no deadlock created.

Received on 2024-05-09 04:44:34