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[std-proposals] Newlines in F-strings

From: Hadriel Kaplan <hkaplan_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 23:32:03 +0000

While talking with Bengt offline about various use-cases for f-strings, he brought up one that I'm not sure about.

Should this compile? (note the 'R' for raw-string):

}, time={

Right now, in the next rev of the draft I'm working on, the above would treated identically as this non-raw f-string:

F"name={\nget_name()\n}, time={\nstd::system_clock::now():%H:%M:%S\n}";

And it would interpolate to this:

std::format("name={}, time={:%H:%M:%S\n}",\n get_name()\n,\n std::system_clock::now());

Note that there are multiple sets of the two characters "\" and "n" within the extracted arguments (not escaped newlines).

So it will fail to compile due to those characters.


If you think it should compile, what should the format-string be after interpolation?:

1. "name={}, time={:%H:%M:%S\n}"
2. "name={}, time={:%H:%M:%S}"

And if (2), how do we know the programmer didn't want the newline? It is perfectly legal to have one there for chrono formatting, I believe.


Personally I think it's ok for this scenario to fail to compile, but I also think it's ok to succeed instead.

The programmer can always do this instead anyway, if they want to split things up:

F"name={ get_name() }, "
F"time={ std::system_clock::now():%H:%M:%S} )";


Juniper Public

Received on 2023-10-24 23:32:12