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Re: [std-proposals] C++ never had a compiler without a stack

From: David Brown <david_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:30:09 +0200
On 15/08/2023 16:17, Thiago Macieira via Std-Proposals wrote:
> On Tuesday, 15 August 2023 06:56:20 PDT Julien Villemure-Fréchette via Std-
> Proposals wrote:
>> I think the intent of alloca in Posix and VLA in C was specifically to have
>> automatic cleanup semantics for objects with block scoped lifetime. C++
>> already has the language feature that makes it possible to ensure proper
>> cleanup at end of scope, so the need for VLA evaporates. If you look
>> closely, the C language doesn't seem to make any mention of the stack in
>> the specification of VLAs, I think a pair of malloc/free may be a possible
>> implementation.
> The difference is that alloca() has determinstic runtime (provided it doesn't
> overflow), wheras malloc() cannot be guaranteed to.

That is one difference, yes. The other key difference is that that run
time is absolutely minimal - typical "alloca()" calls simply add (or
subtract) a value to a stack pointer register, which is vastly faster
than a call to malloc() could ever be. (For real-time systems,
"deterministic" is more important than "fast". But it's nice to be fast

VLA's are often an alternative to alloca() in C, but there are
differences in the semantics - VLA's are deallocated at the end of the
scope, while alloca() space is deallocated at the end of the function.

And C++ has no VLA's or any equivalent, so if you want fast, small local
allocations, you need to use alloca() in C++.

Received on 2023-08-15 15:30:18