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[std-proposals] Lambda type not isolated within function

From: Frederick Virchanza Gotham <cauldwell.thomas_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:09:05 +0100
Was it the intention of the Committee from the outset that it should
not be possible to create a lambda object outside of the function in
which the lambda type is defined? See the following two snippets:

auto Func(void)
    auto mylambda = [](void)->int { return 27u; };

    return *decltype(&mylambda)(nullptr);

typedef decltype(Func()) LambdaType;

int main(void)
    LambdaType mylambda;


And also:

template<typename T>
void Func(T &arg)
    T obj;

int main(void)
    auto mylambda = [](void)->int { return 27u; };


Was this kind of thing not supposed to be done? Or is it okay?

Received on 2023-04-20 11:09:17