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std::max_format_size pre-proposal

From: Mateusz Janek <mateusz.janek6_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 12:26:47 +0100

I have an idea for an addition to the standard library. Before creating a
formal paper, I wanted to ask what do you think and whether you remember a
similar proposal and discussion.

Below you can find a kind of beginning of the formal paper. I did not write
wording. I will do it when (and if) creating the formal paper.

Please find Markdown and PDF file in the attachment, if you prefer
formatted text.

# Abstract
This paper is meant to propose an addition to the standard library. New
compile time functions indicating how many characters can be produced when
formatting any possible value of a given integer or floating point.
Example question: How many characters can be produced when formatting a
value of type `int`, with base `10`?
Possible answer: On an architecture that uses two's completion for signed
integers, `sizeof(int) == 8`, `CHAR_BIT == 8` -> the answer is `20`. `19`
digits and possibly a minus sign character.
# Motivation
With `<char_conv>` it is easy to convert values to characters without
dynamic memory allocation. E.g. create a buffer 'on the stack' and use it.
But, it is not so easy to know how big the buffer has to be. If one wants
to calculate the exact result, there are lots of factors to consider:
`sizeof(T)`, `is_signed`, `CHAR_BIT`, signed integers representation,
floating-point arithmetic and more.
It is common to create a big buffer, just to be sure the value fits there.
This could be avoided with the help of the standard library and the
compiler. All the necessary information is known at compile time and when
you know it, it is fairly easy to calculate the result.
# Available options for creating the buffer
* First and the most obvious option is to create a big buffer and don't
care. Again, how big the buffer has to be? `64`, `128`? What about floating
points? `std::numeric_limits<>::lowest` of `float` takes `40` characters to
format, `double` - `310` and of `long double` - `4934` (considering
`std::numeric_limits<>::is_iec559 == true` and calling `std::to_chars()`
with `std::chars_format::fixed`).
* `<limits>` provides lots of information. There is
`numeric_limits<>::digits10` which is not quite what we want and is bound
to base `10`. There is `numeric_limits<>::digits` which can be used, but is
not convenient - `is_signed` has to be used and representation of signed
numbers has to be assumed. Floating-point numbers are complicated too.
* `std::formatted_size("{}", val)` could be used, but it is not available
at compile time and generally seems like an overkill for getting the result.
# Proposed API
I propose API similar to the one from `std::to_chars()`. A constexpr
function that instead of taking a value, takes the type as a template
// For integers
constexpr std::size_t std::max_format_size<T>(int base = 10);
// For floating-points
constexpr std::size_t
std::max_format_size<float/double/long double>(std::chars_format fmt);
constexpr std::size_t
std::max_format_size<float/double/long double>(
    std::chars_format fmt, int precision);
# Example usage
Formatting an `int` value as hex characers.
int value = get_some_value();
constexpr std::size_t k_buf_size = std::max_format_size<int>(16);
char buffer[k_buf_size + 1u]; // 1u for '\0'
auto [ptr, _] = std::to_chars(buffer, buffer + k_buf_size, value, 16);
*ptr = '\0';
std::cout << buffer;
# Where to put the functions
The `<limits>` header seems like a good candidate. But, I think it should
be available in `<charconv>`, as the functions are going to be used along
with `std::to_chars()` very often.
Best regards,
Mateusz Janek

Received on 2021-03-20 06:27:03