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Bringing consistency to implicit conversion by ref-qualified conversion functions

From: Hani Deek <Hani_deek_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 21:27:12 +0000
One area in C++ where there is significant complexity and inconsistency is the way compilers handle ref-qualified implicit conversion functions.
I believe that most C++ users who put ref-qualifiers on implicit conversion functions expect those ref-qualifiers to have the same effect in all situations. Probably few know that the ref-qualifiers will have different effects in different situations, as illustrated by the examples below.
The following example compiles with gcc, clang, icc and msvc.
struct S
        operator int() const & { return 0; }
        operator char() && { return 0; }

void foo(int) {}
void foo(char) {}

int main()
        foo(S{}); //OK, calls 'void foo(char)'.

In the above example, it is clear that the ref-qualifier on the conversion function 'operator char() &&' must be the reason why the compilers select the 'void foo(char)' overload. The outcome of overload resolution in this case is probably the outcome that most lay C++ users expect and find logical, including myself.
By contrast, the following example produces an outcome that will probably surprise most C++ users who are not experts in the C++ standard. The code is rejected as ill-formed by all four compilers.
enum A{};
enum B{};

struct S
    operator A() const & { return A{}; }
    operator B() && { return B{}; }

void foo(A) {}
void foo(B) {}

int main()
    foo(S{}); //error: ambiguous call to overloaded function

In the above example, my naïve expectation was that the compiler would select the second overload for the same reason as in the previous example, that is, the ref-qualifier on the conversion function 'operator B() &&'. This outcome was what I expected when I put the ref-qualifier '&&' on the second conversion function.
The following example is accepted by icc and rejected by the three other compilers.

struct S
        int i = 0;
        operator const int &() const & { return i; }
        operator int &&() && { return static_cast<int &&>(i); }

void foo(const int &) {}
void foo(int &&) {}

int main()

I believe that only experts in the C++ standard will know why each of the above code samples should be accepted or rejected. From the perspective of a non-expert like myself, the different outcomes are confusing.
But is it really necessary to have different outcomes? From what I understand, it seems possible to make all of the above code samples compile and produce a similar outcome by making one change to the rules of ranking implicit conversion sequences in [over.ics.rank]. The current rules disregard the ref-qualifiers on user-defined conversion functions. If two user-defined conversion sequences use two different user-defined conversion functions, neither of them will be ranked as better than the other. My proposal is to make the compiler rank as better the user-defined conversion function whose ref-qualifier is a closer match to the value of the expression being converted. For example, if two user-defined conversion functions can be used to convert a prvalue, then the one that is ref-qualified with '&&' ranks better than the one that is ref-qualified with 'const &.'

Received on 2020-12-30 15:27:17