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Formalize Compatibility with C

From: connor horman <chorman64_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 11:05:13 -0500
I’ve been working on a proposal for C++ that formalizes compatibility with
C, due to some wording that seems to create issues.
There are a few parts, the first part defines that a Translation Unit may
also be written in C, or in some other implementation-defined language, as
well as noting a few things about C++ programs.
The 2nd part defines types which are “compatible” with C, non-exhaustively:
* The C++ bool and C _Bool types are compatible
* All fundamental types that exist in both languages are compatible
* The std::atomic_flag (C++11) and atomic_flag (C11) types are compatible
* Any std::atomic<T> (C++11) is compatible with _Atomic(U) (C11) if both
are well-formed, and T is compatible with U (definitely the case if the
atomics are lock-free, subject to change for non-lock-free types)
* trivial, standard-layout structure and union types are compatible, if
they have the same name, and each member has the same name, and a
compatible type, and either both not bitfields, or both bitfields with the
same length.
* The memory_order enumerations are compatible

This would make some exemptions to declaration rules, allowing compatible
types from other languages in place of exact types

The 3rd part defines library operations that are equivalent. I won’t list
those, but for example, all “C” compatibility function calls are equivalent
to the C counterpart.

Received on 2020-01-06 10:07:55