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[temp.deduct] editorial changes

CWG2256 resolution and [basic.life]/5

Default array initialization

Defect Report 115: Address of template-id

Equivalence of unnamed types across translation units

Explicit Specialization

Fixing common reinterpret_cast design patterns

Fwd: Re: Rditorial changes relative to an example in the section 13.8.2 Explicit instantiation

Fwd: Re[2]: Explicit Specialization

How to destroy an array created with a user-defined placement new

is `\n` replacement of `std::endl`

Is it allowed to add constrained declarations to namespace std?

LWG2445 - what about C++11-17?

Minor changes of the description of comparison operators of std::reverse_iterator

No overload to create a span from a array<const T, X>

Rditorial changes relative to an example in the section 13.8.2 Explicit instantiation

std::array lvalue access methods

Last message date: 2019-07-31 12:23:56