Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 22:16:26 +0000
Hi Andrew,
The use case has to do with undirected edges with a mutable property. With
> adjacency-based graph representations, an undirected edge gets split into
> two directed edges (since the representation is of adjacencies — partial
> edges, essentially). If there are edges with properties, those are shared,
> and then how to handle that becomes interesting — and leads (iiuc) to your
> diagram.
That's not quite what I'm getting at (at least if I've understood you
correctly). The end-point data, 'a' and 'b' have nothing to do with the
handling of shared edges. For that I've implemented a couple of strategies:
1. Literally share the weight, using a shared pointer.
2. Store it separately for each edge. For mutations, employ a sentinel
which deals with the case of an exception being thrown when one weight has
been changed, but not the other.
There are a couple of ways to think about 'a' and 'b'. One would be to say
that the edge weights are actually completely independent, say W and W'.
Alternatively, you say that there is one component of the edge weight that
is always shared - call it W - and a freedom to differ held by 'a' and 'b'.
You can use 'a' and 'b' to establish an orientation for the edges. A bit
like saying you've drawn a mark on your resistor, indicating the back and
front for the purposes of establishing a positive current convention. (With
W holding the value of the resistance.)
Note that you could choose 'a' and 'b' such that you could interpret your
graph as a directed graph with incident edges recorded. But I think the
structure is more flexible than this.
PS My history includez implementing a 1D fluid flow network, which is of
course very similar to electrical circuits. (I actually simulated some of
the latter as part of my testing, since the code is generic.) I then
reimplemented all of this and much more besides in a library of mine up on
github. In terms of the algorithms available, it's nothing like as mature
as BGL. But you can do some cool things like topological sorting at compile
On Thu, 11 Jan 2024 at 21:51, Andrew Lumsdaine <al75_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Oh — hah — yes. Very familiar with that case. At least the way we have
> seen it come up is more in the context of implementation than as an
> abstraction per se (though there of course may be a corresponding
> abstraction). The use case has to do with undirected edges with a mutable
> property. With adjacency-based graph representations, an undirected edge
> gets split into two directed edges (since the representation is of
> adjacencies — partial edges, essentially). If there are edges with
> properties, those are shared, and then how to handle that becomes
> interesting — and leads (iiuc) to your diagram.
> I am also looking for names for certain other things like the thing we are
> calling a “structurally bipartite graph” (or more informally, a
> “rectangular graph”).
> I did approach a mathematician about some of these things before the
> holidays. He initially wanted to express it all in terms of category
> theory. It wasn’t quite what I was hoping for.
> (The reason that hypergraphs came to mind is that hypergraphs have
> generalized edges — i.e., the “edges” of the graph are arbitrary subsets of
> vertices, rather than just being subsets of size 2. That includes subsets
> of size 1. If one tries to interpret that in the usual sense of a graph
> edge as having a source and a target — it’s an edge with a source but no
> target — an edge to nowhere :-)).
> Best Regards,
> Andrew Lumsdaine
> PS — Interestingly, the genesis of my work in graphs came from circuit
> simulation (way back). My first task as a new PhD student was to implement
> RCM for the sparse solver in a circuit simulator. Reimplementing it 12
> years later led to BGL.
> On Jan 9, 2024, at 11:25 PM, Oliver Rosten <oliver.rosten_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
> This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender
> You have not previously corresponded with this sender.
> See for additional information.
> Please contact the UW-IT Service Center, help_at_[hidden] 206.221.5000, for
> assistance.
> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for such a detailed reply. Re. the circuit diagram, it's not a
> hypergraph I'm thinking of. It's a structure like this:
> a---W--->
> <---W---b
> Every edge comes as a pair of partial edges. They have a shared weight, W,
> as you'd expect from an undirected graph. But they also have independent
> end-point data, labelled a, b). This is sufficient to properly model things
> like electrical circuits. So this is a directed graph but with a particular
> restriction that all edges come in pairs, but holding data such that I
> don't think it's right to call it undirected (but it almost is!). I don't
> know the right name for this structure, but I suspect a mathematician
> would! This is part of my broader point: I really think we would benefit
> from finding a willing participant from the mathematics community to keep
> us on the straight and narrow!
> I completely take your point about the origin of the STL. I certainly
> don't desire an explicit coupling between something like unstructured span
> and the graph library. However, I also have little doubt that knowing the
> shape of unstructured span would greatly help the design of graph. It think
> it's reasonable for development of these two things to happen concurrently.
> Indeed, I've cc'd the first 4 authors of the mdspan paper (apologies if
> I've not carried on far enough down the author list!).
> Re. merging information from your two papers, I think this might help if
> done judiciously. I find P1709 very hard to follow, despite having spent a
> lot of time working with graphs!
> Oliver
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 22:04, Andrew Lumsdaine <al75_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Hi — Thanks for your comments. My responses in-line below.
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew Lumsdaine
>> On Jan 9, 2024, at 9:50 AM, Oliver Rosten via SG19 <sg19_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>> Some other things to add:
>> 1. The electrical circuit example needs more explanation, and I think
>> this will highlight some deep issues around representing things which are
>> seemingly trivially graphs, as graphs in practice. In what sense is a
>> bog-standard resistor directed? I assume the reason that the graph is
>> directed is because current has a sign and in an undirected graph it
>> becomes ambiguous which way the current is flowing (also you may want
>> components like diodes). But the directed representation also has issues:
>> "can current flow from 'Vdd' to 'n0'?" should be immediately answerable
>> from the properties of Vdd and its edges. There are other ways to represent
>> an electrical circuit. One is as a directed graph but with incident edges
>> recorded - but iiuc, this is excluded from the latest version of the paper.
>> Alternatively, one could have a mathematical object, the name of which I
>> actually don't know: it looks like an undirected graph, but where each
>> partial edge has additional, unique, end-point data, as well as the common
>> weight. Things like this are the reason why I think we need a broader group
>> to look at this proposal (i.e. beyond SG19) and if we possibly can we
>> should involve someone from the mathematics community. Otherwise there's a
>> real danger we end up missing important insights.
>> The circuit example might not be the best one to illustrate an undirected
>> graph. The connectivity structure is in fact undirected. When one starts
>> assigning values to elements and computing currents and voltages, then
>> directivity is required. What kind of graph you get also depends on what
>> kind of formulation / analysis you want to do. And, in fact, if you are
>> using a modified nodal analysis (which is what I had in mind), you can’t
>> really model a circuit element (simply) as a single edge. In the case of a
>> diode you have two properties, the conductance in the forward direction and
>> the conductance in the reverse direction - you have either two properties
>> on one edge or two edges in opposite directions. (If one makes the analogy
>> between a sparse matrix and a graph, the latter is probably more correct.)
>> I think you may be thinking of a hypergraph (that is certainly another
>> generalization of a graph — although hypergraphs can generally be reduced
>> to bipartite graphs).
>> Our thinking for this paper was to go lighter on the mathematics and
>> exposit at a more practical level. I have a more mathematical paper that
>> we could perhaps provide as a complement to this one. I would need to
>> merge some of P1709R5 back into that paper however, as well as expand a few
>> things. It’s about ten pages at the moment. A revision would maybe grow
>> it by a couple of pages.
>> As far as the definition of a graph goes, I was very careful to be quite
>> precise, to make all terms well-defined, and to differentiate
>> representation (which is useful - and which is used for describing and
>> implementing algorithms) and the G={V, E} (which is less useful). The
>> complementary paper I mentioned above has almost a page describing how
>> imprecise even the math literature is about these things. Among other
>> things, the literature is almost universally sloppy about graph vs graph
>> representation and about vertex vs vertex enumeration. I deliberately used
>> a somewhat different exposition than the one you always see just to hammer
>> that point home.
>> 2. My comment about the structure of the paper changing was a reference
>> to previous comparisons with boost::graph. I'm sure these were in an
>> earlier version, or am I misremembering? Either way, it would be very
>> helpful to have a proper discussion of e.g. the move away from visitors.
>> We had decided not to include direct comparisons with BGL or GraphBLAS in
>> the interest of space, but we have contributors to BGL and GraphBLAS as
>> authors of this paper, so we can definitely include such comparisons.
>> I don’t think I am saying anything I haven’t said to the GraphBLAS
>> community directly when I say GraphBLAS should be considered dangerous. (I
>> have an open challenge to the community to prove me wrong. It’s been unmet
>> for 6+ years.)
>> 3. Re. the definition of a graph, there needs to be a proper discussion
>> about whether the paper's definition of graph is what some authors call a
>> multigraph and whether it does/does not include loops. These things are
>> mentioned, in passing, when introducing algorithms, but terminology needs
>> to be properly established.
>> Agreed. These are run-time properties of a graph and the preconditions
>> for the algorithms would need to properly account for them. With our
>> formulation being based on the adjacency matrix representation, there is*kind
>> of* an assumption that these are not multigraphs. Of course, anyone can
>> make a graph with multiple edges between the same two vertices once you
>> have moved away from the dense adjacency matrix representation and are
>> using an edge list or an adjacency list. But yes, this needs to be called
>> out in the algorithm preconditions.
>> Alternatively (or in addition to) preconditions, some algorithms could
>> probably still be used with multigraphs, but properties associated with
>> edges could perhaps have some kind of property combiner (if it makes sense
>> in the context of the algorithm and what the graph is modeling). In the
>> case of the Kevin Bacon example, there are lots of edges between actors,
>> one for each movie in which they have costarred. When doing breadth-first
>> search, do we just traverse one edge and record a single property? Do we
>> traverse all edges and record all the properties? Pick the one
>> lexicograpically first? Etc.
>> Along these same lines we need to describe requirements on connectivity
>> vis-a-vis computed results.
>> 4. I think we're trying to do too much in one go in this paper. I think a
>> great first step would be to build on mdspan and try to standardize (or at
>> least understand) what might reasonably be called an unstructured span.
>> This could be represented as a vector of vectors or as a vector with some
>> auxiliary storage indicating where the partitions fall. The point is that
>> an unstructured span, with the right invariants, is an adjacency list. If
>> we can understand unstructured span and its desirable api, I think this
>> will be incredibly valuable guidance for what a standardized graph
>> container might look like.
>> I agree that unstructured mdspan would be super-useful in this context.
>> We were somewhat reluctant to dive into that as some of the original
>> thoughts about that (or closely related) go back to the dawn of generic
>> programming: Matt Austern’s Segmented Iterators and Hierarchical
>> Algorithms, Rene Rivera’s Hierarchical Data Structures and Related
>> Concepts, and I am sure there are more. We didn’t want to have
>> unstructured mdspan as a dependency since it could be several cycles before
>> it might come into existence.
>> I think it would be quite useful to co-develop graphs and unstructured
>> mdspan. The latter cuts across other SGs I think (ranges comes to mind —
>> though linear algebra would obviously be interested in it for sparse
>> matrices).
>> 5. IIUC, this paper excludes pure connectivity graphs. These are
>> incredibly helpful and, if I've understood correctly that they are not
>> supported, would be a major omission. Another good reason, imo, to start
>> with unstructured span!
>> Pure connectivity graphs are WIP. I had hoped to have something done by
>> this mailing but ran out of time. Besides just the exposition of this kind
>> of representation, we need to relax the requirements for some of the
>> algorithms, with the current requirements either a specialization or an
>> overload of the connectivity graphs.
>> 6. I'm not convinced by the load api. We don't have a load api for vector
>> etc. Moreover, would it not be preferable to have appropriate constructors?
>> I could probably go on but I think this is sufficient for now. Having
>> graphs and associated algorithms in the standard would be fantastic. But I
>> think we need to take a step back, involve people from the right
>> communities, and figure out how to do this step-by-step.
>> Oliver
>> On Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 17:18, Michael Wong via SG19 <sg19_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>>> Roger and BSI, Thanks for the great feedback. We SG19 will look at this
>>> feedback this Thursday on our regular call at 2-4 pm ET. Cheers.
>>> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 5:20 PM Roger Orr <rogero_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>>> Hello Michael,
>>>> as you will see from the minutes, the BSI briefly discussed P1709R4
>>>> "Graph Library" today.
>>>> You are listed as an author, so we are directing our feedback to you in
>>>> the first instance!
>>>> As Oliver (Rosten) said "The basic premise is important, and it would
>>>> be fantastic to have support for graphs in the standard."
>>>> The main items identified were:
>>>> Oliver:
>>>> - This paper is long and incomplete, it has lots of details which I
>>>> think to be irrelevant, however things that are definitely relevant are
>>>> missing from the paper - for example definition of graph - since people
>>>> have different ideas. We need to add a mathematical perspective to the
>>>> paper.
>>>> - The structure of the paper completely changed in the new revision, so
>>>> now it’s hard to understand what and why they have done
>>>> - Another missing part is discussion of graph invariants
>>>> Tom (Deakin): There’s a big missing part in “Prior art” part, GraphBLAS
>>>> (
>>>> <;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lEMnRbkdjKfReFDkvhwE2zDloIG-JEOwnu8lyeH-nsfm4K0in2mS-TkcBdVd2CoVCH3WLh8DX360WQc$>)
>>>> eminently.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Roger.
>>> --
>>> SG19 mailing list
>>> SG19_at_[hidden]
>>> <;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lEMnRbkdjKfReFDkvhwE2zDloIG-JEOwnu8lyeH-nsfm4K0in2mS-TkcBdVd2CoVCH3WLh8DGEl61LA$>
>> --
>> SG19 mailing list
>> SG19_at_[hidden]
The use case has to do with undirected edges with a mutable property. With
> adjacency-based graph representations, an undirected edge gets split into
> two directed edges (since the representation is of adjacencies — partial
> edges, essentially). If there are edges with properties, those are shared,
> and then how to handle that becomes interesting — and leads (iiuc) to your
> diagram.
That's not quite what I'm getting at (at least if I've understood you
correctly). The end-point data, 'a' and 'b' have nothing to do with the
handling of shared edges. For that I've implemented a couple of strategies:
1. Literally share the weight, using a shared pointer.
2. Store it separately for each edge. For mutations, employ a sentinel
which deals with the case of an exception being thrown when one weight has
been changed, but not the other.
There are a couple of ways to think about 'a' and 'b'. One would be to say
that the edge weights are actually completely independent, say W and W'.
Alternatively, you say that there is one component of the edge weight that
is always shared - call it W - and a freedom to differ held by 'a' and 'b'.
You can use 'a' and 'b' to establish an orientation for the edges. A bit
like saying you've drawn a mark on your resistor, indicating the back and
front for the purposes of establishing a positive current convention. (With
W holding the value of the resistance.)
Note that you could choose 'a' and 'b' such that you could interpret your
graph as a directed graph with incident edges recorded. But I think the
structure is more flexible than this.
PS My history includez implementing a 1D fluid flow network, which is of
course very similar to electrical circuits. (I actually simulated some of
the latter as part of my testing, since the code is generic.) I then
reimplemented all of this and much more besides in a library of mine up on
github. In terms of the algorithms available, it's nothing like as mature
as BGL. But you can do some cool things like topological sorting at compile
On Thu, 11 Jan 2024 at 21:51, Andrew Lumsdaine <al75_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Oh — hah — yes. Very familiar with that case. At least the way we have
> seen it come up is more in the context of implementation than as an
> abstraction per se (though there of course may be a corresponding
> abstraction). The use case has to do with undirected edges with a mutable
> property. With adjacency-based graph representations, an undirected edge
> gets split into two directed edges (since the representation is of
> adjacencies — partial edges, essentially). If there are edges with
> properties, those are shared, and then how to handle that becomes
> interesting — and leads (iiuc) to your diagram.
> I am also looking for names for certain other things like the thing we are
> calling a “structurally bipartite graph” (or more informally, a
> “rectangular graph”).
> I did approach a mathematician about some of these things before the
> holidays. He initially wanted to express it all in terms of category
> theory. It wasn’t quite what I was hoping for.
> (The reason that hypergraphs came to mind is that hypergraphs have
> generalized edges — i.e., the “edges” of the graph are arbitrary subsets of
> vertices, rather than just being subsets of size 2. That includes subsets
> of size 1. If one tries to interpret that in the usual sense of a graph
> edge as having a source and a target — it’s an edge with a source but no
> target — an edge to nowhere :-)).
> Best Regards,
> Andrew Lumsdaine
> PS — Interestingly, the genesis of my work in graphs came from circuit
> simulation (way back). My first task as a new PhD student was to implement
> RCM for the sparse solver in a circuit simulator. Reimplementing it 12
> years later led to BGL.
> On Jan 9, 2024, at 11:25 PM, Oliver Rosten <oliver.rosten_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
> This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender
> You have not previously corresponded with this sender.
> See for additional information.
> Please contact the UW-IT Service Center, help_at_[hidden] 206.221.5000, for
> assistance.
> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for such a detailed reply. Re. the circuit diagram, it's not a
> hypergraph I'm thinking of. It's a structure like this:
> a---W--->
> <---W---b
> Every edge comes as a pair of partial edges. They have a shared weight, W,
> as you'd expect from an undirected graph. But they also have independent
> end-point data, labelled a, b). This is sufficient to properly model things
> like electrical circuits. So this is a directed graph but with a particular
> restriction that all edges come in pairs, but holding data such that I
> don't think it's right to call it undirected (but it almost is!). I don't
> know the right name for this structure, but I suspect a mathematician
> would! This is part of my broader point: I really think we would benefit
> from finding a willing participant from the mathematics community to keep
> us on the straight and narrow!
> I completely take your point about the origin of the STL. I certainly
> don't desire an explicit coupling between something like unstructured span
> and the graph library. However, I also have little doubt that knowing the
> shape of unstructured span would greatly help the design of graph. It think
> it's reasonable for development of these two things to happen concurrently.
> Indeed, I've cc'd the first 4 authors of the mdspan paper (apologies if
> I've not carried on far enough down the author list!).
> Re. merging information from your two papers, I think this might help if
> done judiciously. I find P1709 very hard to follow, despite having spent a
> lot of time working with graphs!
> Oliver
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 22:04, Andrew Lumsdaine <al75_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Hi — Thanks for your comments. My responses in-line below.
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew Lumsdaine
>> On Jan 9, 2024, at 9:50 AM, Oliver Rosten via SG19 <sg19_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>> Some other things to add:
>> 1. The electrical circuit example needs more explanation, and I think
>> this will highlight some deep issues around representing things which are
>> seemingly trivially graphs, as graphs in practice. In what sense is a
>> bog-standard resistor directed? I assume the reason that the graph is
>> directed is because current has a sign and in an undirected graph it
>> becomes ambiguous which way the current is flowing (also you may want
>> components like diodes). But the directed representation also has issues:
>> "can current flow from 'Vdd' to 'n0'?" should be immediately answerable
>> from the properties of Vdd and its edges. There are other ways to represent
>> an electrical circuit. One is as a directed graph but with incident edges
>> recorded - but iiuc, this is excluded from the latest version of the paper.
>> Alternatively, one could have a mathematical object, the name of which I
>> actually don't know: it looks like an undirected graph, but where each
>> partial edge has additional, unique, end-point data, as well as the common
>> weight. Things like this are the reason why I think we need a broader group
>> to look at this proposal (i.e. beyond SG19) and if we possibly can we
>> should involve someone from the mathematics community. Otherwise there's a
>> real danger we end up missing important insights.
>> The circuit example might not be the best one to illustrate an undirected
>> graph. The connectivity structure is in fact undirected. When one starts
>> assigning values to elements and computing currents and voltages, then
>> directivity is required. What kind of graph you get also depends on what
>> kind of formulation / analysis you want to do. And, in fact, if you are
>> using a modified nodal analysis (which is what I had in mind), you can’t
>> really model a circuit element (simply) as a single edge. In the case of a
>> diode you have two properties, the conductance in the forward direction and
>> the conductance in the reverse direction - you have either two properties
>> on one edge or two edges in opposite directions. (If one makes the analogy
>> between a sparse matrix and a graph, the latter is probably more correct.)
>> I think you may be thinking of a hypergraph (that is certainly another
>> generalization of a graph — although hypergraphs can generally be reduced
>> to bipartite graphs).
>> Our thinking for this paper was to go lighter on the mathematics and
>> exposit at a more practical level. I have a more mathematical paper that
>> we could perhaps provide as a complement to this one. I would need to
>> merge some of P1709R5 back into that paper however, as well as expand a few
>> things. It’s about ten pages at the moment. A revision would maybe grow
>> it by a couple of pages.
>> As far as the definition of a graph goes, I was very careful to be quite
>> precise, to make all terms well-defined, and to differentiate
>> representation (which is useful - and which is used for describing and
>> implementing algorithms) and the G={V, E} (which is less useful). The
>> complementary paper I mentioned above has almost a page describing how
>> imprecise even the math literature is about these things. Among other
>> things, the literature is almost universally sloppy about graph vs graph
>> representation and about vertex vs vertex enumeration. I deliberately used
>> a somewhat different exposition than the one you always see just to hammer
>> that point home.
>> 2. My comment about the structure of the paper changing was a reference
>> to previous comparisons with boost::graph. I'm sure these were in an
>> earlier version, or am I misremembering? Either way, it would be very
>> helpful to have a proper discussion of e.g. the move away from visitors.
>> We had decided not to include direct comparisons with BGL or GraphBLAS in
>> the interest of space, but we have contributors to BGL and GraphBLAS as
>> authors of this paper, so we can definitely include such comparisons.
>> I don’t think I am saying anything I haven’t said to the GraphBLAS
>> community directly when I say GraphBLAS should be considered dangerous. (I
>> have an open challenge to the community to prove me wrong. It’s been unmet
>> for 6+ years.)
>> 3. Re. the definition of a graph, there needs to be a proper discussion
>> about whether the paper's definition of graph is what some authors call a
>> multigraph and whether it does/does not include loops. These things are
>> mentioned, in passing, when introducing algorithms, but terminology needs
>> to be properly established.
>> Agreed. These are run-time properties of a graph and the preconditions
>> for the algorithms would need to properly account for them. With our
>> formulation being based on the adjacency matrix representation, there is*kind
>> of* an assumption that these are not multigraphs. Of course, anyone can
>> make a graph with multiple edges between the same two vertices once you
>> have moved away from the dense adjacency matrix representation and are
>> using an edge list or an adjacency list. But yes, this needs to be called
>> out in the algorithm preconditions.
>> Alternatively (or in addition to) preconditions, some algorithms could
>> probably still be used with multigraphs, but properties associated with
>> edges could perhaps have some kind of property combiner (if it makes sense
>> in the context of the algorithm and what the graph is modeling). In the
>> case of the Kevin Bacon example, there are lots of edges between actors,
>> one for each movie in which they have costarred. When doing breadth-first
>> search, do we just traverse one edge and record a single property? Do we
>> traverse all edges and record all the properties? Pick the one
>> lexicograpically first? Etc.
>> Along these same lines we need to describe requirements on connectivity
>> vis-a-vis computed results.
>> 4. I think we're trying to do too much in one go in this paper. I think a
>> great first step would be to build on mdspan and try to standardize (or at
>> least understand) what might reasonably be called an unstructured span.
>> This could be represented as a vector of vectors or as a vector with some
>> auxiliary storage indicating where the partitions fall. The point is that
>> an unstructured span, with the right invariants, is an adjacency list. If
>> we can understand unstructured span and its desirable api, I think this
>> will be incredibly valuable guidance for what a standardized graph
>> container might look like.
>> I agree that unstructured mdspan would be super-useful in this context.
>> We were somewhat reluctant to dive into that as some of the original
>> thoughts about that (or closely related) go back to the dawn of generic
>> programming: Matt Austern’s Segmented Iterators and Hierarchical
>> Algorithms, Rene Rivera’s Hierarchical Data Structures and Related
>> Concepts, and I am sure there are more. We didn’t want to have
>> unstructured mdspan as a dependency since it could be several cycles before
>> it might come into existence.
>> I think it would be quite useful to co-develop graphs and unstructured
>> mdspan. The latter cuts across other SGs I think (ranges comes to mind —
>> though linear algebra would obviously be interested in it for sparse
>> matrices).
>> 5. IIUC, this paper excludes pure connectivity graphs. These are
>> incredibly helpful and, if I've understood correctly that they are not
>> supported, would be a major omission. Another good reason, imo, to start
>> with unstructured span!
>> Pure connectivity graphs are WIP. I had hoped to have something done by
>> this mailing but ran out of time. Besides just the exposition of this kind
>> of representation, we need to relax the requirements for some of the
>> algorithms, with the current requirements either a specialization or an
>> overload of the connectivity graphs.
>> 6. I'm not convinced by the load api. We don't have a load api for vector
>> etc. Moreover, would it not be preferable to have appropriate constructors?
>> I could probably go on but I think this is sufficient for now. Having
>> graphs and associated algorithms in the standard would be fantastic. But I
>> think we need to take a step back, involve people from the right
>> communities, and figure out how to do this step-by-step.
>> Oliver
>> On Tue, 9 Jan 2024 at 17:18, Michael Wong via SG19 <sg19_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>>> Roger and BSI, Thanks for the great feedback. We SG19 will look at this
>>> feedback this Thursday on our regular call at 2-4 pm ET. Cheers.
>>> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 5:20 PM Roger Orr <rogero_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>>> Hello Michael,
>>>> as you will see from the minutes, the BSI briefly discussed P1709R4
>>>> "Graph Library" today.
>>>> You are listed as an author, so we are directing our feedback to you in
>>>> the first instance!
>>>> As Oliver (Rosten) said "The basic premise is important, and it would
>>>> be fantastic to have support for graphs in the standard."
>>>> The main items identified were:
>>>> Oliver:
>>>> - This paper is long and incomplete, it has lots of details which I
>>>> think to be irrelevant, however things that are definitely relevant are
>>>> missing from the paper - for example definition of graph - since people
>>>> have different ideas. We need to add a mathematical perspective to the
>>>> paper.
>>>> - The structure of the paper completely changed in the new revision, so
>>>> now it’s hard to understand what and why they have done
>>>> - Another missing part is discussion of graph invariants
>>>> Tom (Deakin): There’s a big missing part in “Prior art” part, GraphBLAS
>>>> (
>>>> <;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lEMnRbkdjKfReFDkvhwE2zDloIG-JEOwnu8lyeH-nsfm4K0in2mS-TkcBdVd2CoVCH3WLh8DX360WQc$>)
>>>> eminently.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Roger.
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Received on 2024-01-11 22:16:39