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Re: [SG16-Unicode] Draft: char8_t backward compatibility remediation paper

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:35:31 -0500
Attached is the revision that was submitted for the Kona pre-meeting
mailing. My apologies for not getting this out sooner.


On 12/5/18 12:54 PM, Tom Honermann wrote:
> Attached is a (very) rough draft of a paper intended for the Kona
> pre-meeting mailing. I had hoped to get it into better shape than
> this before sharing it, but am sharing now so that we can discuss in
> today's SG16 teleconference.
> It proposes some minor changes to the standard library to address some
> unintended and unnecessary impact from P0482R6. Most of the paper
> discusses options projects can use to workaround the (intended)
> backward compatibility impact from P0482R6.
> Tom.
> _______________________________________________
> SG16 Unicode mailing list
> Unicode_at_[hidden]
> http://www.open-std.org/mailman/listinfo/unicode

char8_t backward compatibility remediation

char8_t backward compatibility remediation


The support for char8_t as adopted for C++20 via P0482R6 [P0482R6] affects backward compatibility for existing C++17 programs in at least the following ways:

  1. Introduction of a new char8_t keyword, new std::u8string, std::u8string_view, std::u8streampos type aliases and std::mbrtoc8 and std::c8rtomb functions; these names may conflict with existing uses of these names.
  2. Change of return type for std::filesystem::path member functions u8string and generic_u8string.
  3. Change of type for u8 character and string literals.

This paper does not further discuss case 1 above. Adding new keywords and new members to the std namespace is business as usual; see SD-8 [SD-8]. It is acknowledged that these additions will affect some code bases. Code surveys have found that these names have generally been used to emulate the set of features introduced with the adoption of P0482R6 [P0482R6]. In some cases, existing code has already been updated to adapt to the new standard features. For example, EASTL will now use the the standard provided char8_t type when available instead of the type alias previously used. The pull request for this change can be found at https://github.com/electronicarts/EASTL/pull/239.

Case 2 above is a change that does not fit into the set of standard library rights reserved in SD-8 [SD-8]. This is a cause for concern, but is somewhat mitigated by the fact that std::filesystem is new with C++17 and therefore does not have a long history of use. Some options for dealing with this change are discussed later in this paper.

Case 3 above is the change responsible for most of the backward compatibility impact.

This paper is motivated by three goals:


The following table presents examples of well-formed C++17 code that is either ill-formed or behaves differently in C++20. The table also reflects the intended changes proposed in this paper. Note that most of these examples remain ill-formed with this proposal. This is intentional as the examples reflect problematic code that leads to mojibake in C++17 code due to use of the same type (char) for multiple encodings (execution encoding and UTF-8).

Code C++17 C++20 with P0482R6 C++20 with this proposal
const char *p = u8"text";
Initializes p with the address of the UTF-8 encoded string. Ill-formed. Ill-formed.
char a[] = u8"text";
Initializes a with the UTF-8 encoded string. Ill-formed. Ill-formed.
int operator ""_udl(const char*, unsigned long);
int v = u8"text"_udl;
Initializes v with the result of calling operator ""_udl with the UTF-8 encoded string literal. Ill-formed. Ill-formed.
std::string s(u8"text");
Initializes s with the UTF-8 encoded string. Ill-formed. Ill-formed.
std::filesystem::path p = ...;
std::string s = p.u8string();
Initializes s with the UTF-8 encoded representation of the file path stored in p. Ill-formed. Ill-formed.
std::cout << u8'x';
std::cout << u8"text";
Writes a sequence of UTF-8 code units as characters to stdout.
(mojibake if the execution character encoding is not UTF-8)
Writes an integer or pointer value to stdout.
(consistent with handling of char16_t and char32_t)
(for all of char8_t, char16_t, and char32_t)
Constructs a std::filesystem::path object from the UTF-8 encoded string. Ill-formed. Constructs a std::filesystem::path object from the UTF-8 encoded string.

Anticipated impact

Code surveys have so far revealed little use of u8 literals. Google and Facebook have both reported less than 1000 occurrences in their code bases, approximately half of which occur in test code. Representatives of both organizations have stated that, given the actual size of their code base, this is approximately equivalent to 0.

Searches on Debian code search found uses in only a few packages and, within those packages, a small number of uses (mostly single digit use counts), most of which occurred in tests.

Searches have been done on github as well, but github search doesn't facilitate distinguishing uses of u8 as identifiers (which is quite common) vs use as a UTF-8 literal. Further, github doesn't provide a search that filters out duplicate hits for the same source code in different repositories. As a result, finding instances of u8 literals is challenging. Most cases that were identified were in tests included in clones of Clang and gcc.

u8 string literals were added in C++11, but support for u8 character literals was only added in C++17.

Remediation approaches

A single approach to addressing backward compatibility impact is unlikely to be the best approach for all projects. This section presents a number of options to address various types of backward compatibility impact. In some cases, the best solution may involve a mix of these options.

Each of these approaches assumes a requirement for continued use of UTF-8 encoded literals with char based types. For most projects, such a requirement is expected to be temporary while the project is fully migrated to C++20. However, some projects may retain a sustained need for such literals. For those projects, the Emulate C++17 u8 literals approach is able to address most cases of backward compatibility impact.

Disable char8_t support

The simplest possible solution in the short term is to simply disable the new features completely. Clang and gcc will allow disabling char8_t features in both the language and standard library, via a -fno-char8_t option. It is expected that Microsoft and EDG based compilers will offer a similar option.

This option should be considered a short-term solution to enable testing existing C++17 code compiled as C++20 with minimal effort. This isn't a viable long-term option as continued use would potentially complicate composition with code that depends on the new features.

Add overloads

Adding function overloads that accept char8_t based types is an effective step towards full migration to C++20. Ideally, older char based functions would eventually be removed.

Before After
int ft(const char*);

int ft(const char*);
#if defined(__cpp_char8_t)
int ft(const char8_t*);

ft(u8"text"); // C++17 or C++20
int operator ""_udl(const char*, unsigned long);

int v = u8"text"_udl;
int operator ""_udl(const char*, unsigned long);
#if defined(__cpp_char8_t)
int operator ""_udl(const char8_t*, unsigned long);

int v = u8"text"_udl; // C++17 or C++20

Change u8 literals to ordinary literals with escape sequences

This approach may be a reasonable option when the execution encoding is ASCII based (but not UTF-8; otherwise just use ordinary literals) and characters outside the basic source character set are infrequently used in existing u8 literals. This approach matches how code using UTF-8 had to be written prior to C++11.

Before After
"\xC3\xA1" // U+00E1
(assuming source encoding is UTF-8)
"\xC3\xA1" // U+00E1
(works with any source encoding)

reinterpret_cast u8 literals to char

Common uses of u8 literals can be handled in a backward compatible manner through use of reinterpret_cast. Note that use of reinterpret_cast is well-formed in these situations since lvalues of type char may be used to access values of other types. Such code is valid in both C++17 and C++20.

This approach may suffice when there are just a few uses of UTF-8 literals that need to be addressed and the uses do not appear in constexpr context. In general, sprinkling reinterpret_cast all over a code base is not desirable.

Before After
const char &r = u8’x';
const char &r = reinterpret_cast<const char &>(u8’x');     // C++17 or C++20
const char *p = u8"text";
const char *p = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(u8"text");  // C++17 or C++20

Emulate C++17 u8 literals

The techniques applied here are also applicable to the examples illustrated in the prior section regarding use of reinterpret_cast. This approach makes use of P0732R2 [P0732R2] to enable constexpr UTF-8 encoded char based literals using a user defined literal. The example code below defines overloaded character and string UDL operators named _as_char. These UDLs can then be used in place of existing UTF-8 character and string literals.

#include <utility>

template<std::size_t N>
struct char8_t_string_literal {
  static constexpr inline std::size_t size = N;
  template<std::size_t... I>
  constexpr char8_t_string_literal(
    const char8_t (&r)[N],
  constexpr char8_t_string_literal(
    const char8_t (&r)[N])
    char8_t_string_literal(r, std::make_index_sequence<N>())
  auto operator <=>(const char8_t_string_literal&) = default;
  char8_t s[N];

template<char8_t_string_literal L, std::size_t... I>
constexpr inline const char as_char_buffer[sizeof...(I)] =
  { static_cast<char>(L.s[I])... };

template<char8_t_string_literal L, std::size_t... I>
constexpr auto& make_as_char_buffer(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
  return as_char_buffer<L, I...>;

constexpr char operator ""_as_char(char8_t c) {
  return c;

template<char8_t_string_literal L>
constexpr auto& operator""_as_char() {
  return make_as_char_buffer<L>(std::make_index_sequence<decltype(L)::size>());

Before After
constexpr const char &r = u8’x';
constexpr const char &r = u8’x'_as_char;        // C++20 only
constexpr const char *p = u8"text";
constexpr const char *p = u8"text"_as_char;     // C++20 only
// gcc extension in C++17; standard C++ doesn't permit conversion
// to arrays of unknown bound.
constexpr const char (&r)[] = u8"text";
// Ok in C++20 with P0388R2 [P0388R2]

constexpr const char (&r)[] = u8"text"_as_char; // C++20 only

When wrapped in macros, the above UDL can be used to retain source compatibility across C++17 and C++20 for all known scenarios except for array initialization.

#if defined(__cpp_char8_t)
#define U8(x) u8##x##_as_char
#define U8(x) u8##x

Before After
constexpr const char &r = u8’x';
constexpr const char &r = U8(’x');        // C++17 or C++20
constexpr const char *p = u8"text";
constexpr const char *p = U8("text");     // C++17 or C++20
// gcc extension in C++17; standard C++ doesn't permit conversion
// to arrays of unknown bound.
constexpr const char (&r)[] = u8"text";
// Ok in C++20 with P0388R2 [P0388R2]

constexpr const char (&r)[] = U8("text"); // C++17 or C++20

Substitute class types for C arrays initialized with u8 string literals

In C++17, arrays of char may be initialized with u8 string literals, but such initialization is ill-formed in C++20. C++17 behavior can be emulated by substituting a class type with appropriate class template argument deduction guides.

#include <utility>

template<std::size_t N>
struct char_array {
  template<std::size_t P, std::size_t... I>
  constexpr char_array(
    const char (&r)[P],
  template<std::size_t P, typename = std::enable_if_t<(P<=N)>>
  constexpr char_array(const char(&r)[P])
    : char_array(r, std::make_index_sequence<N>())

#if defined(__cpp_char8_t)
  template<std::size_t P, std::size_t... I>
  constexpr char_array(
    const char8_t (&r)[P],
  template<std::size_t P, typename = std::enable_if_t<(P<=N)>>
  constexpr char_array(const char8_t(&r)[P])
    : char_array(r, std::make_index_sequence<N>())

  constexpr (&operator const char() const)[N] {
    return data;
  constexpr (&operator char())[N] {
    return data;

  char data[N];
template<std::size_t N>
char_array(const char(&)[N]) -> char_array<N>;
#if defined(__cpp_char8_t)
template<std::size_t N>
char_array(const char8_t(&)[N]) -> char_array<N>;

Before After
char a[] = u8"text";
char_array a = u8"text";              // Ok, initialized with "text\0"
constexpr char a[] = u8"text";
constexpr char_array a = u8"text";    // Ok, initialized with "text\0"
constexpr char a[3] = u8"text";  // ill-formed
constexpr char_array<3> a = u8"text"; // ill-formed (too many initializers)
constexpr char a[6] = u8"text";
constexpr char_array<6> a = u8"text"; // Ok, initialized with "text\0\0"

Use explicit conversion functions

Explicit conversion functions can be used, in a C++17 compatible manner, to cope with the change of return type to the std::filesystem::path member functions when a UTF-8 encoded path is desired in an object of type std::string. For example:

std::string from_u8string(const std::string &s) {
  return s;
std::string from_u8string(std::string &&s) {
  return std::move(s);
#if defined(__cpp_lib_char8_t)
std::string from_u8string(const std::u8string &s) {
  return std::string(s.begin(), s.end());

std::filesystem::path p = ...;
std::string s = from_u8string(p.u8string());  // C++17 or C++20

This naturally incurs a cost when building with char8_t support enabled due to the need to copy the path contents.


Tooling could potentially assist programmers in migrating code. Several of the approaches discussed above could be applied mechanically to an existing code base. For example, re-writing existing u8 literals to ordinary literals with escape sequences, or adding an _as_char UDL suffix to existing literals (inserting include directives as needed).

Options considered to reduce backward compatibility impact

The following sections summarize options that have been considered to reduce backward compatibility impact. Most of these options are not proposed in this paper because they would actively interfere with goals of the char8_t proposal; to enable the type system to protect against inadvertent mixing of UTF-8 data and the execution encoding. However, some of these options may be useful for some code bases and could be provided by implementations as opt-in extensions.

Only two of these options (7 and 8) are proposed for inclusion in the standard. In both of these cases, the concern that is addressed was not specifically intended by the changes adopted in P0482R6. These are effectively bug fixes.

1) Reinstate u8 literals as type char and introduce a new literal prefix for char8_t

Not proposed

Many of the backward compatibility concerns could be avoided by reinstating u8 literals as having type char and introducing a new prefix, for example U8, to specify UTF-8 literals with type char8_t.

The visible difference between u8 and U8 is subtle. Some coding compliance standards, such as MISRA, forbid use of identifiers that differ only in case. It has been suggested that C++11's use of u and U to denote UTF-16 and UTF-32 literals was a mistake because the visual distinction is too subtle. To avoid these subtle visual differences, new literal prefixes such as utf8, utf16, and utf32 could be introduced and the old ones deprecated. The downside of these prefixes is, of course, that they are longer.

Implementing this option would continue enabling problems with encoding confusion that we see today. The execution encoding is not UTF-8 on some popular platforms and continuing to use char based types for execution encoding and UTF-8 (and other untrusted input or encodings) is a recipe for continued occurrences of mojibake in applications. For platforms that use UTF-8 as the execution encoding, ordinary literals are already UTF-8 encoded. This option would introduce three distinct ways of writing UTF-8 literals on such platforms; having two ways to do (almost) the same things is usually one too many already.

2) Allow implicit conversions from char8_t to char

Not proposed

Allowing implicit conversions from char8_t to char was considered with the original P0482 proposal. The concerns with this approach are the same as in option 1; this enables continued, potentially unintended, mixing of UTF-8 data with non-UTF-8 data resulting in mojibake.

Additionally, allowing implicit conversions would not address all compatibility concerns. For example:

template<typename T> void f(T); // #1
void f(char);                   // #2
f(u8'x'); // Calls #2 in C++17, would still call #1 in C++20.

However, such implicit conversions could still be useful for some existing code. Implementations could offer extensions to enable such conversions.

3) Allow initializing an array of char with a u8 string literal

Not proposed

This option would allow the following code to remain well-formed in C++20.

char a[] = u8"text";

Array initialization is the one context in which the previously discussed uses of reinterpret_cast or the _as_char UDL isn't an option. This option would allow array initializations to remain well-formed and avoid the need for workarounds like the previously discussed char_array template. However, this option would continue to promote mixing of UTF-8 data with non-UTF-8 data potentially resulting in mojibake.

Implementations could allow these initializations as a conforming extension.

4) Allow initializing an array with a reference to an array

Not proposed

This option would enable use of the previously discussed _as_char UDL to initialize an array without the need for workarounds like the previously discussed char_array template. However, this option would continue to promote mixing of UTF-8 data with non-UTF-8 data potentially resulting in mojibake.

char a[] = u8"text"_as_char;

Implementations could allow these initializations as a conforming extension.

5) Allow std::string to be initialized with char8_t based types

Not proposed

This option has been suggested as a way to allow some existing uses of std::string to hold UTF-8 data to remain valid in C++20. For example:

std::string s1 = u8"text";
std::string s2 = s1 + u8"text";

This option constitutes a narrow fix for a few specific use cases within a considerably larger problem space. Further, it would require changes to std::basic_string specifically for its char-based specializations. As with previously discussed options, this would again continue to promote mixing of UTF-8 data with non-UTF-8 data potentially resulting in mojibake.

6) Allow implicit conversions from std::u8string to std::string

Not proposed

This option has been suggested as a means to address the backward compatibility impact due to the changes to the std::filesystem::path u8string and generic_u8string member functions. It would allow code like the following to continue to work as expected:

std::filesystem::path p = ...;
std::string s1 = p.u8string();

This option is, again, not proposed because it would allow unintended mixing of UTF-8 encoded data and the execution character encoding.

7) Add deleted ostream inserters for char8_t, char16_t, and char32_t


An unintended and silent behavioral change was introduced with the adoption of P0482R6. In C++17, the following code wrote the code units of the literals to stdout. In C++20, this code now writes the character literal as a number, and the address of the string literal, to stdout.

std::cout << u8"x";    // In C++20, writes the number 120.
std::cout << u8"text"; // In C++20, writes a memory address.

This is a surprising change that provides no benefit to programmers. Adding deleted ostream inserters would avoid this surprising behavioral change while reserving the possibility to specify behavior for these operations in the future (for example, to specify implicit transcoding to the execution encoding).

8) Allow std::filesystem::u8path to accept ranges and iterators with char8_t value types


Another unintended behavioral change introduced with the adoption of P0482R6 is that the following code is now ill-formed because std::filesystem::u8path requires a range or pair of iterators specifically with a value type of char.


std::filesystem::u8path is now deprecated, but since it previously required UTF-8 data, there is no risk of encoding confusion (unlike with many of the other options discussed in this paper). Allowing it to continue to be called with u8 literals (or other char8_t based ranges and iterators) causes no harm other than potentially encouraging continued use of a deprecated interface.


This paper proposes implementing only options 7 and 8.


Hide deleted text

These changes are relative to N4762 [N4762]

Library wording

Change in table 35 of 16.3.1 [support.limits.general] paragraph 3:

Table 35 — Standard library feature-test macros
Macro name Value Header(s)
[…] […] […]
__cpp_lib_char8_t 201811201902L ** placeholder ** <atomic> <filesystem> <istream> <limits> <locale> <ostream> <string> <string_view>
[…] […] […]

Drafting note: the final value for the __cpp_lib_char8_t feature test macro will be selected by the project editor to reflect the date of approval.

Append new paragraphs in [ostream.inserters.character]:

template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, wchar_t c) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, char8_t c) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, char16_t c) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, char32_t c) = delete;
6. [ Note: These overloads prevent formatting character values as numeric values. — end note ]
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const wchar_t* s) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const char8_t* s) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const char16_t* s) = delete;
template<class traits>
  basic_ostream<char, traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char, traits>& out, const char32_t* s) = delete;
7. [ Note: These overloads prevent formatting strings as pointer values. — end note ]

Annex C Compatibility wording

Change in C.5.11 [diff.cpp17.input.output] paragraph 2:

Affected subclause:
Change: Overload resolution for ostream inserters used with UTF-8 literals.
Rationale: Required for new features.
Effect on original feature: Valid ISO C++ 2017 code that passes UTF-8 literals to basic_ostream<char, ...>::operator<< no longer calls character related overloadsis now ill-formed.
std::cout << u8"text";       // Previously called operator<<(const char*) and printed a string.
                             // Now calls operator<<(const void*) and prints a pointer valueill-formed.
std::cout << u8'X';          // Previously called operator<<(char) and printed a character.
                             // Now calls operator<<(int) and prints an integer valueill-formed.

Add a new paragraph after C.5.11 [diff.cpp17.input.output] paragraph 2:

Affected subclause:
Change: Overload resolution for ostream inserters used with wchar_t, char16_t, and char32_t types.
Rationale: Removal of surprising behavior.
Effect on original feature: Valid ISO C++ 2017 code that passes wchar_t, char16_t, and char32_t characters or strings to basic_ostream<char, ...>::operator<< is now ill-formed.
std::cout << u"text";        // Previously called operator<<(const void*) and printed a pointer value.
                             // Now ill-formed.
std::cout << u'X';           // Previously called operator<<(int) and printed an integer value.
                             // Now ill-formed.

Annex D Compatibility features wording

Change in D.16 [depr.fs.path.factory] paragraph 1:

Requires: The source and [first, last) sequences are UTF-8 encoded. The value type of Source and InputIterator is char or char8_t. Source meets the requirements specified in


[N4762] "Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++", N4762, 2018.
[P0388R2] Robert Haberlach, "Permit conversions to arrays of unknown bound", P0388R2, 2018.
[P0482R6] Tom Honermann, "char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 6)", P0482R6, 2018.
[P0732R2] Jeff Snyder and Louis Dionne, "Class Types in Non-Type Template Parameters", P0732R2, 2018.
[SD-8] Titus Winters, "SD-8: Standard Library Compatibility", SD-8, 2018.

Received on 2019-01-23 17:43:55