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Re: [SG16-Unicode] SG16 Unicode related questions for Swift and WebKit representatives

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 22:14:33 -0400
On 08/03/2018 02:00 PM, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>> On Aug 2, 2018, at 10:26 PM, Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]
>> <mailto:tom_at_[hidden]>> wrote:
>> Thank you Michael and Dave! I appreciate the time and detail. All of
>> your answers look to confirm our expectations, so I interpret this as
>> a good sign we're thinking about the right things.
>> I added a few inline comments/clarifications below.
>> We had tentatively planned to meet Wednesday of next week, but it
>> turns out that two of our core SG16 members are going to be on
>> vacation so, at a minimum, I'd like to postpone. I'm also feeling
>> pretty content with the responses that we got from you and I think it
>> would suffice for us to just follow up with any remaining thoughts
>> via email. While I'd love for any of you to attend one (or more) of
>> our meetings (any time), I want to be sensitive to productive use of
>> your time. So, how about we play it by ear for now?
> Works for me
>> On 08/02/2018 05:18 PM, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>>>> On Aug 1, 2018, at 12:04 PM, Michael Ilseman <milseman_at_[hidden]
>>>> <mailto:milseman_at_[hidden]>> wrote:
>>>> Hello, I am the current maintainer of Swift’s String, and can speak
>>>> to my thoughts on the status quo and future directions. Dave, who
>>>> is on this thread, is much more familiar with the history behind
>>>> this and can likely provide deeper insight into the reasoning.
>>> Michael has done very well here; I only have a few things to add.
>>>>> On Jul 23, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]
>>>>> <mailto:tom_at_[hidden]>> wrote:
>>>>> SG16 is seeking input from Swift and WebKit representatives to
>>>>> help inform our work towards enhancing support for Unicode in the
>>>>> C++ standard. In particular, we recognize the significant amount
>>>>> of effort that went into the design of the Swift String type and
>>>>> would like to better understand the motivations that contributed
>>>>> to its current design and any pressures that might encourage
>>>>> further evolution or refinement; especially for any concerns that
>>>>> would be deemed significant enough to warrant backward
>>>>> incompatible changes.
>>>>> Though most of these questions specifically mention Swift, that is
>>>>> an artifact of our being more familiar with Swift than the
>>>>> internal workings of WebKit. Many of these questions would be
>>>>> applicable to any string type designed to support Unicode. We are
>>>>> therefore also interested in hearing about the string types used
>>>>> by WebKit, the motivations that guided their design, and the trade
>>>>> offs that have been made. Of particular interest would be the
>>>>> results of design decisions that are contrast with the design of
>>>>> Swift's String type.
>>>>> Thank you in advance for any time and expertise you are willing
>>>>> and able to share with us.
>>>>>> The Swift string manifesto is about 1 1/2 years old. What have
>>>>>> you learned since writing it? What would you change? What have
>>>>>> you changed?
>>>> We haven’t really diverged from that manifesto. Some things are
>>>> still in progress, minor details were tweaked, but the core
>>>> arguments are still relevant.
>>>>>> Swift strings are extended grapheme cluster (EGC) based. What
>>>>>> have been the best and worst consequences of this choice?
>>>> I’ll use “grapheme” casually to mean EGC. Swift’s Character type
>>>> represents a grapheme cluster, Unicode.Scalar represents a Unicode
>>>> scalar value (non-surrogate code point).
>>>> Cocoa APIs are UTF-16 code unit oriented, and thus there’s always
>>>> caution (via documentation) about making sure such indices align to
>>>> grapheme boundaries. This is a frequent source of bugs, especially
>>>> as part of internationalization. By making Swift strings be
>>>> grapheme-based by default, developers first reach for the correct APIs.
>>>> Another good consequence is that people picking up Swift and
>>>> playing with string, e.g. in a repl or Playground, see Swift’s
>>>> notion of characters align with what is displayed. This includes
>>>> complex multi-component emoji such as family emoji (👨‍👨‍👧‍👧),
>>>> which is a single Character composed of 7 Unicode.Scalars.
>>>> This does have downsides. What is and is not a grapheme cluster
>>>> changes with each version of Unicode, and thus grapheme breaking is
>>>> inherently a run-time concern and can’t be checked at compile time.
>>>> Another is that while code units can be random-access, graphemes
>>>> cannot, which is confusing to developers used to UTF-16 code unit
>>>> access mostly working (until their users use non-BMP scalars or
>>>> emoji that is).
>>> I'd say the biggest downside is that there are users who simply
>>> refuse to accept what we consider to be the fundamental
>>> non-random-access character of any efficient string representation.
>>> They are upset that they can't index a string directly with an
>>> integer, and can't be talked out of it. I still think we made the
>>> right decision in this regard; you'd have the same problem if your
>>> strings were unicode-scalar-based.
>> Are there common scenarios where programmers tend to be frustrated by
>> lack of random access? Perhaps most often when they are working with
>> inputs known to be ASCII only?
> Those people can just use the UTF-16 or UTF-8 views and be done.

I think I may have misunderstood Michael's initial response. The
concern is less about (O(1)) random access and more about the ability to
index with an integer rather than having to use String.Index. Though,
that is the case for String.UTF8View and String.UTF16View as well, isn't it?

>> Or is this mostly an education issue and these programmers are having
>> a difficult time accepting that they've spent most of their career
>> thus far writing bugs? :)
> IMO it's a combination of the latter and the fact that we don't yet
> have good APIs for the higher-level operations they really mean when
> they want to write code that involves (usually constant) integer
> indices, which is usually pattern matching/parsing code.

Ok, that makes sense and I think aligns with my new understanding above.

>>>> Furthermore, few existing specifications are phrased in terms
>>>> grapheme-clusters, so something like a validator wouldn’t want to
>>>> run on grapheme-segmented text, but a lower abstraction level.
>>>> Also, graphemes can be funky. A string containing only, U+0301
>>>> (COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) has one grapheme, but modifies the prior
>>>> grapheme upon concatenation. Such degenerate graphemes violate
>>>> algebraic reasoning in these corner cases.
>>> We are not aware of generic algorithms that rely on concatenation of
>>> collections conserving element counts, so we decided to simply
>>> document this quirk rather than saying that string is-not-a collection.
>> SG16 has previously discussed cases like this and I'm happy to hear
>> you haven't had to do anything special for it. This is a good
>> example of why we asked about inappropriate use of the String count
>> property: programmers assuming s1.count + s2.count ==
>> s1.append(s2).count.
>>>> Unicode defines properties and most operations on scalars or code
>>>> points, and very little on top of graphemes.
>>>>>> When porting code unit or code point based code to Swift strings
>>>>>> (e.g., when rewriting Objective-C code, or rewriting Swift code
>>>>>> to use String instead of NSString), has profiling revealed
>>>>>> performance regressions due to the switch to EGC based
>>>>>> processing? If so, what action was taken to correct it?
>>>> We have many fast-paths in grapheme-breaking to identify common
>>>> situations surrounding single-scalar graphemes. If a developer
>>>> wants to work with Unicode at a lower level, String provides a
>>>> UTF8View, a UTF16View, and a UnicodeScalarView. Those views lazily
>>>> transcode/decode upon access.
>> Cool, it sounds like the answer to any such regressions was 1)
>> optimization in terms of fast-paths, and 2) fall back to code
>> unit/point processing otherwise.
>>>> There are also performance concerns and annoyances when working
>>>> with ICU, but this is an implementation detail. If you’re
>>>> interested in using ICU, we can discuss further what has worked
>>>> best for us.
>>> I think you're interested in (at least optionally) using ICU unless
>>> you have evidence of major investment in another open-source
>>> implementation of Unicode algorithms and tables. Otherwise, C++
>>> implementors could not afford to develop standard libraries.
>> Yes, definitely. For the foreseeable future, I think we need to
>> ensure that any interfaces we propose can be reasonably implemented
>> using ICU. However, Zach Laine has made impressive progress
>> implementing many of the Unicode algorithms without use of ICU in his
>> proposed Boost.Text library. See https://github.com/tzlaine/text and
>> https://tzlaine.github.io/text/doc/html/index.html.
> W00t! Go Zach!
>>>>>> Swift strings do not enforce storage in any particular Unicode
>>>>>> normalization form. Was consideration given to forcing storage in
>>>>>> a particular form such as FCC or NFC?
>>>> Swift strings now sort with NFC (currently UTF-16 code unit order,
>>>> but likely changed to Unicode scalar value order). We didn’t find
>>>> FCC significantly more compelling in practice. Since NFC is far
>>>> more frequent in the wild (why waste space if you don’t have to),
>>>> strings are likely to already be in NFC. We have fast-paths to
>>>> detect on-the-fly normal sections of strings (e.g. all ASCII, all <
>>>> U+0300, NFC_QC=yes, etc.). We lazily normalize portions of string
>>>> during comparison when needed.
>>>> As far as enforcing on creation, no. We do want to add an option to
>>>> perform a linear scan to set a performance flag, perhaps at
>>>> creation, so that comparison can take the memcmp-like fast-path.
>> Ok, my take away from this is that fast-pathing has been sufficient
>> for lazy normalization (when needed) to not be (much of) a
>> performance concern. At least, not enough to want to take the
>> normalization cost on every string construction up front.
>>>>>> Swift strings support comparison via normalization. Has use of
>>>>>> canonical string equality been a performance issue? Or been a
>>>>>> source of surprise to programmers?
>>>> This was a big performance issue on Linux, where we used to do
>>>> UCA+DUCET based comparisons. We switch to lexicographical order of
>>>> NFC-normalized UTF-16 code units (future: scalar values), and saw a
>>>> very significant speed up there. The remaining performance work
>>>> revolves around checking and tracking whether a string is known to
>>>> already be in a normal form, so we can just memcmp.
>> This is very helpful, thank you. We've suspected that full collation
>> (with or without tailoring) would be too expensive for use as a
>> default comparison operator, so it is good to hear that confirmed.
> More importantly, such collation is not actually useful without a
> locale. Strings being used for machine processing don't need to be
> ordered according to "human rules" and once human rules do come into
> play you want to account for language/region. We think it /is/
> important that the machine doesn't distinguish between the different
> ways of writing "é", if nothing else to prevent invisible distinctions
> in literals in source code, which is why we normalize.

That makes perfect sense.

>> I'm curious why this was a larger performance issue for Linux than
>> for (presumably) macOS and/or iOS.
>>>>>> Swift strings are not locale sensitive. Was any consideration
>>>>>> given to creation of a distinct locale sensitive string type?
>>>> This is still up for debate and hasn’t been settled yet, but we
>>>> think it makes a lot of sense. If an array of strings is sorted, we
>>>> certainly don’t want a locale-change to violate programmer
>>>> invariants. A distinct type from string could avoid a lot of common
>>>> errors here, including forgetting to localize before presenting to
>>>> a user as part of a UI.
>>>>>> Swift strings provide a count property as required to satisfy the
>>>>>> Collection protocol. How often do programmers use count (the
>>>>>> number of EGCs in the string) inappropriately?
>>>> I’m not sure what would constitute inappropriate usage here. We do
>>>> not currently provide access to the underlying stored code units,
>>>> though this is a frequent request and we likely will in the future.
>>>> I haven’t seen anyone baking in the assumption that count is the
>>>> same for String and across all of Strings’s views (UTF-8, UTF-16,
>>>> Unicode scalars).
>>> One thing to consider is that as long as String is not
>>> random-access, count will be a worst-case O(N) operation. An
>>> inappropriate usage might involve computing the length once per loop
>>> iteration.
>> In addition to the above and prior mention of algebraic concerns,
>> other potential abuses we had in mind were using it to determine
>> field widths for display or code unit/point based storage.
>> C++ container requirements specify that .size() be O(1). For us to
>> meet container requirements would require computing and caching the
>> count during construction and mutation operations.
> You could also just not supply .size(). I don't know if .size() is
> required by container these days, but unless things have changed since
> I was watching (and I'm sure they have) the container concepts were
> not actually useful for generic programming.

.size() is required for containers, but is not required for ranges. The
ranges TS provides concepts for both sized and non-sized ranges.

>> We could potentially get by just meeting range requirements though.
>>>> I mentioned degenerate graphemes breaking algebraic properties of
>>>> the Collection protocol, but this hasn’t been a huge issue in
>>>> practice so far.
>>>>>> Swift strings support several memory unsafe initializers and
>>>>>> methods. How frequently are these used incorrectly?
>>>> Many of these initializers come from NSString originally, and
>>>> developers migrating correct code to Swift maintain that
>>>> correctness. Rust has a similar situation, though they do
>>>> validation at creation-time and from_utf8_unchecked() voids
>>>> memory-safety if the contents are invalid.
>>>>>> The Swift manifesto discussed three approaches to handling
>>>>>> substrings and Swift 4 changed from "same type, shared storage"
>>>>>> to "different type, shared storage". Any regrets?
>>>> Having two types can be a bit of a pain, but we still think it was
>>>> the right thing to do. This is consistent with Swift treating
>>>> slices as a distinct type from the base collection.
>>>>>> How often do you find programmers doing work at the EGC level
>>>>>> that would be better performed at the code unit or code point level?
>>>> Often, if a developer has strict requirements, they know what
>>>> they’re doing enough to operate at one of those lower levels.
>>>> Not being able to random-access graphemes in a string is a common
>>>> source of frustration and confusion amongst new users.
>>>>>> Likewise, how often do you find programmers working with
>>>>>> unicodeScalars, utf8, or utf16 views to do work better performed
>>>>>> at the EGC level? For what reasons does this occur? Perhaps to
>>>>>> work around differences in EGC boundaries across Unicode versions
>>>>>> or the underlying version of ICU in use?
>>>> This was very prevalent in Swift’s early days. String wasn’t a
>>>> collection of graphemes by default prior to Swift 4,
>>> Well, it was. And then in Swift 2 or 3 it wasn't, due to the
>>> algebraic reasoning issue. Now it is again.
>>>> so without guidance many developers wrote code against the unicode
>>>> scalars view. We also didn’t have any fast-paths for common-case
>>>> situations back then, which further encouraged them to use one of
>>>> the other views.
>>>> This is still done sometimes for performance-sensitive usage, or
>>>> someone wanting to handle Unicode themselves. However, as mentioned
>>>> previously, we don’t (yet) provide direct access to the actual storage.
>>>> We haven’t seen much desire for reconciling behavior across Unicode
>>>> versions. This may be due to Swift being primarily an applications
>>>> level programming language for devices which only have one version
>>>> of Unicode that’s relevant (the current one).
>>>>>> Has consideration been given to exposing Unicode character
>>>>>> database properties? CharacterSet exposes some of these
>>>>>> properties, but have more been requested?
>>>> Yes, this was recently added to the language:
>>>> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0211-unicode-scalar-properties.md.
>>>> We surface much of the UCD via ICU.
>> Ah, nice. All kinds of fun to be had with that :)
>>>>>> How firmly is the Swift string implementation tied to ICU? If the
>>>>>> C++ standard library were to add suitable Unicode support, what
>>>>>> would motivate reimplementing Swift strings on top of it?
>>>> Swift’s tie to ICU is less firm than it used to be. We use ICU for
>>>> the following:
>>>> 1. Grapheme breaking
>>>> 2. Normalization
>>>> 3. Accessing UCD properties
>>>> 4. Case conversion
>>>> Each of these are not too tightly entwined with string; they’re
>>>> cordoned-off as a couple of shims called on fallback slow-paths.
>>>> If the C++ standard library provided these operations, sufficiently
>>>> up-to-date with Unicode version and comparable or better to ICU in
>>>> performance, we would be willing to switch. A big pain in
>>>> interacting with ICU is their limited support for UTF-8. Some users
>>>> who would like to use a “lighter-weight” Swift and are unhappy at
>>>> having to link against ICU, as it’s fairly large, and it can
>>>> complicate security audits.
>> Got it. Increasing the size of the C++ standard library is a
>> definite concern for us as well. We imagine some C++ users would be
>> similarly unhappy if their standard library suddenly required linking
>> against ICU.
>>>>>> Do Swift programmers tend to prefer string interpolation or
>>>>>> string formatting functions?
>>>> Users tend to prefer string interpolation. However, Swift currently
>>>> does not have much in the way of formatting control in
>>>> interpolations, and this is something we’re currently working on.
>>>>>> What enhancements would you most like to see in C++ to improve
>>>>>> Unicode support?
>>>> Swift’s string is perhaps geared as a higher-level construct than
>>>> what you may want for C++, and Swift has Cocoa-interoperability
>>>> concerns where everything is UTF-16. Rust might provide a closer
>>>> model to what you’re looking for:
>>>> * Strings are a sequence of (valid) UTF-8 code units
>>>> o Validation is done on creation
>>>> o Invalid contents (e.g. Windows file paths) can be handled
>>>> via something like WTF-8, which is not intended for interchange
>>>> * String provides bidirectional iterators for:
>>>> o Transcoded and/or normalized code units
>>>> o Unicode scalar values (their “character” type)
>>>> o Grapheme clusters
>>> Michael, I think you're not answering the question asked. They are
>>> asking what Swift would want from C++, e.g., to allow us to decouple
>>> from ICU. Wouldn't we like to be able to do that?
>> This question was intended to ask you, as expert C++ programmers
>> independently from Swift, what additions to C++ you think would be
>> most helpful to improve our (very lacking) Unicode support. So,
>> Michael's response is on point (thank you; we'll take a closer look
>> at Rust), as are any comments regarding what would benefit Swift
>> specifically. Michael's earlier comments regarding what Swift
>> currently uses ICU for are suggestive of what Swift might want from
>> C++. But I imagine the form in which those features are provided
>> would matter greatly; devils and details.
> OK, sorry for the misunderstanding!

Not a misunderstanding, the question was just (intentionally, but
clearly overly) vague :)


>> Tom.
>>> -Dave

Received on 2018-08-07 04:14:36