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Re: Next SG14 meeting on April 10th - Low Latency Financial Systems

From: Robin Rowe <robin.rowe_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:43:34 -0700
On 3/14/2024 5:28 AM, Bryan St. Amour via SG14 wrote:
> 1. no more CamelCase. I know this is an early draft, but that's not
> how the standard library looks. It should be fixed before any more
> work gets done to it (easier to catch it early)

You're right, but now seems a little too early. Upon joining the group,
several members advised me to set low expectations, that it may take 10
years to approve anything I suggest.

I can say chairing the financial systems subcommittee is more rewarding
than expected. I've learned a lot by blurting out my half-baked ideas on
the forum, where smart people help guide me.

> 2. A few years back, the numerics SG was looking at a class for
> rational numbers. I'm not sure what the status of it is, but we
> should dig it up to see if that can be used instead of a new
> class Fraction.

I did. Those efforts seem stalled. Offering an alternative Fraction
class to play with would do no harm.

> 3. class Bank and class Casino: these, by their names alone, sound
> like they would be way too problem-specific to be useful in a standard
> library. Even a standard library for low latency and finance.

You may be right.

That implementation effort inspired by my experience developing low
latency table games for casinos, with poker, bingo and lotto. And, I
previously chaired a banking cyber safety subcommittee.

Banks use the concept of Teller. Casinos do something similar with Cage.
And, financial systems need to Audit. It may be nice if there is a
library with common banking and financial systems concepts implemented,
that we didn't expect to redesign the wheel every time.

Robin Rowe
Beverly Hills, California
*Chairman ISO WG21 SG14 C++ Banking and Financial Systems Subcommittee

On 3/14/2024 5:28 AM, Bryan St. Amour via SG14 wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 4:34:09 PM EDT Robin Rowe via SG14 wrote:
>> I'll be in Tokyo. Please say hi if you see me there.
>> I'm leading the next SG14 meeting on April 10th, as it's our turn as Low
>> Latency Financial Systems. Financial meets every 3 months, alternating
>> with Games and Embedded. Mike, am still April, right? That today's SG14
>> meeting was cancelled doesn't change?
>> During April meeting don't expect rehashing any ideas I had brought up
>> for discussion previously on this forum, as I've gotten great feedback
>> here already, and have nothing at present to add.
>> Aside from feedback on ideas I've suggested, I've received little input
>> regarding improving C++ for low latency financial systems.
>> Suggestions?
>> FYI, financial systems concepts I've been experimenting:
>> https://gitlab.com/robinrowe/cpp-financial-systems
>> Robin
> A few suggestions after a brief look:
> 1. no more CamelCase. I know this is an early draft, but that's not how the
> standard library looks. It should be fixed before any more work gets done to
> it (easier to catch it early)
> 2. A few years back, the numerics SG was looking at a class for rational
> numbers. I'm not sure what the status of it is, but we should dig it up to see
> if that can be used instead of a new class Fraction.
> 3. class Bank and class Casino: these, by their names alone, sound like they
> would be way too problem-specific to be useful in a standard library. Even a
> standard library for low latency and finance.
> Bryan
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Received on 2024-03-14 18:43:38