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Re: [ub] type punning through congruent base class?

From: Gabriel Dos Reis <gdr_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:58:31 -0800
Kazutoshi Satoda <k_satoda_at_[hidden]> writes:

| On 2014/01/17 5:53 +0900, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
| > | struct B { int x };
| > | struct B* p = (B*) malloc(sizeof(B));
| > | p->x = 17;
| > |
| > | This (modulo the cast) has been how C has handled dynamic allocation
| > | of structs approximately forever. There are no constructors in C,
| > | structs don't get initialized, their fields just get assigned to.
| >
| > Could you walk us through the C standards and explain what you
| > believe this program fragment is supposed to do and what actually is
| > at the address pointed by p?
| > I think that will be a very illuminating exercise -- and would
| > possibly help clear some confusions.
| Let me try the exercise. I'm referring WG14 N1570.
| http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/standards.html
| p points an object (a region of data storage, 3.15) which is allocated
| by malloc(). The object has allocated storage duration (6.2.4) and its
| lifetime starts at the allocation in malloc(), and ends at deallocation
| in free() (7.22.3).
| "p->x" yields an lvalue of type int which designates an object at
| address pointed by ((char*)p + offsetof(B, x)). There is no rule about
| the effective type of the object pointed by p to evaluate the "->"
| expression. (
| "p->x = 17" makes the effective type of the object between &p->x and
| (&p->x + 1) becomes int (6.5 p6), and stores value 17 (a value
| representation of int which represents 17) into that object (6.5.16).

Agreed. In particular, at this point, we still do not have an object of
type B -- from C's perspective.

| (Note)
| In C, there is no such a thing like "an object of type int" unlike in
| C++ where an object has a type and the type is determined when the
| object is created. In C, "object" is a merely a region of data storage,
| and may be labeled by an effective type which is determined by ongoing
| or previous access to the object at a time.

Yes. This goes back to the comment I made:

 # Even if we take the C model, it is not clear what is there. We can
 # infer that after the statement 'p->x = 17;' the storage at address
 # &p-x' has effective type 'int', but that does not say much about the
 # rest. I -suspect- C is OK with that because fundamentally, its object
 # model is structural.

| If "struct B x = *p" follows the above code, the access (lvalue
| conversion, p2) on *p, which is allowed by the aliasing rule
| (6.5 p7, bullet 5 "an aggregate or union ..."), changes the effective
| type of the object at p.

Indeed. In particular, the mere write to p->x does not imply that there
is an object of effective type B at p. Another important difference
between C and C++ is that the dynamic type (the closest approximation of
'effective type') of an object does not change during its lifetime.

Going back to constructor, what C++ has done is to automatically
"bless" or perform the conceptial equivalent of access that stamps the
effective type of the object. That also highlights why C++ is carefully
in what can be done between the timeframe where storage is obtained and
initialization is complete (e.g. the effective type/dynamic type is

Now, in most code fragments that have been shown so far (except of
course your last addition) there has been no attempt to access the
storage at p as B, yet it has been claimed that an object of type B existed
there. I don't believe that is correct.

Bonus points: after

   struct B x = *p;

what is the effective type of the object at p and &p->x? B and int or B
and B? Can we even give a meaning to the question?

-- Gaby

Received on 2014-01-17 05:58:35