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[SG10] Missing feature-test macros

From: Barry Revzin <barry.revzin_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 22:56:30 -0500
Hey SG10, CWG, and LWG,

I went through the past few years of straw polls and put together a
suggestion of what feature-test macros are missing: I'm proposing that
about two dozen need to be added. The draft can be found here:

I included every paper on the straw polls pages, so if anybody has
motivation for a macro for one of the papers I listed as "no macro
necessary," please let me know. Also, if you disagree with any of my
recommendations, also let me know. I already pruned an earlier list with
some help, and I'd like to get this right.

I wanted to get this out earlier than the weekend before the deadline,
but... that didn't happen.


Received on 2019-10-04 05:56:44