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Re: [SG10] P0074R0: Making std::owner_less more flexible

From: Nelson, Clark <clark.nelson_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 23:38:40 +0000
> "5.2.6 N4089: Safe conversions in unique_ptr<T[]>
> This considered a fix for a library issue, to remove an unnecessary
> restriction;"
> add "is"


> "5.2.8 N4190: Removing auto_ptr, random_shuffle(), And Old
> <functional> Stuff
> ... that uses one of these obsolescent features when it is
> available."
> Where does "it" point to? "features"? That doesn't fit grammar-
> wise.

Specifically, "it" is intended to refer to an obsolescent feature.

I disagree that there is a grammar problem, but I'm wondering if it might be
clearer if "it is" were omitted from that sentence:

... uses one of these obsolescent features when available.

> "5.2.9 N4230: Nested namespace definition
> ... it's just makes it somewhat easier to write code"
> remove "'s"


> > So I'm tempted to suggest that an implementation that has P0074
> should
> > define __cpp_lib_transparent_operators to be 201510 in <memory>
> *and also*
> > <functional>, whereas an implementation that has N3421 but not
> P0074 should
> > define it to be 201210 in <functional> (only).
> Agreed.


> > Please reply indicating whether you would like me to update SD-6
> based on
> > the attachment, or on P0096R1 from the mailing -- or if you'd
> rather I not
> > update it at all. (I think that pretty much exhausts the available
> > alternatives, unless there's some other very small tweak to be
> made.)
> For paper-trail reasons, I'd really like to have SD-6 be a verbatim
> copy of some published paper. Specifically, that means you should
> apply the fixes from above, publish P0096R2 in the post-meeting
> mailing and update SD-6 concurrently with that. Unless you think
> the three weeks of delay this entails does major damage.

Good point: that is another available alternative, and probably superior.

I will follow that plan, unless someone objects.


Received on 2016-02-24 00:55:27