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Re: [SG10] Meeting Monday 03-17

From: Nelson, Clark <clark.nelson_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 21:35:25 +0000
From: Richard Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 2:23 PM

> How long do you expect this meeting to run?

Oops, I'm sorry; I didn't realize that information wasn't included in the
WebEx message.

I've scheduled the meeting for two hours, which means only that it won't be
longer than that; it could be much shorter.

Clark Nelson            Vice chair, PL22.16 (ANSI C++ standard committee)
Intel Corporation       Chair, SG10 (C++ SG for feature-testing)
clark.nelson_at_[hidden]  Chair, CPLEX (C SG for parallel language extensions)

Received on 2014-03-13 22:35:45