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Re: [wg14/wg21 liaison] N2900 Initialization with {} and potential semantic divergence from C++ for new-to-C syntax

From: JeanHeyd Meneide <phdofthehouse_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 10:04:29 -0500
Dear Hubert,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 1:18 AM Hubert Tong via Liaison <
liaison_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> The wording in N2900 uses the static initialization wording for
> initialization with {}. For the case of a union, the static initialization
> is described as:
>> the first named member is initialized (recursively) according to these
>> rules, and any padding is initialized to zero bits
> Firstly, as not a purely interoperability concern, the definition of
> padding here is unclear. Does this refer to padding added to the end of the
> union to achieve the required alignment in cases where the largest member
> does not have the greatest alignment requirement? Does it refer to the
> union of the trailing padding in the union type and the intersection of all
> the alignment padding and the padding bits within integer subobjects of the
> union members?
> It seems the presence of a separate paragraph in 6.2.6, "Representation of
> types" to talk about bytes that correspond to other members of a union
> after talking in the preceding paragraph about padding bytes mean that the
> bytes corresponding to other members are *not* automatically considered
> padding. This interpretation is the one that is consistent with the idea
> that what constitutes padding is a static property of a type and not a
> dynamic property of an object.
     My understanding is that padding sits outside of **any** members of
the union, and is solely for the bytes that do not belong to any subobject,
named or unnamed, of the union. Therefore it's a static property of the
type. The wording in a few different places supports you same
interpretation: other union members not being initialized are not
considered part of a union's padding.

> Secondly, the semantics specified does not match what C++ does for the
> same syntax.
> From [dcl.init.aggr]:
> If the aggregate is a union and the initializer list is empty, then
> — if any variant member has a default member initializer, that member is
> initialized from its default
> member initializer;
> — otherwise, the first member of the union (if any) is copy-initialized
> from an empty initializer list.
> Only the first member is initialized. The "padding" is left uninitialized.

     This is an intentional departure. = { 0 } does not initialize padding
in C and for a long time created issues where users would have to use
memset(...) to initialize their structures to get guaranteed-zero padding.
Unfortunately this caused specific issues in e.g. kernel code and similar,
where padding bits and bytes could leak data when structures were
initialized "the normal way" and handed to end-users.

     The intent was for = {} to replace both memset and = {0} as a safer
initialization alternative with better security properties. It is also more
semantically correct because a structure with pointer or floating point
members will get the correct bit representation for either the null pointer
constant or the various floating point types, which may not be an
all-bits-zero representation. (IEEE floating point and decimal floating
point have a compatible all-bits-zero-means-numeric-zero interpretation,
but that does not cover the totality of (arcane, but nonetheless supported)
floating point formats.) This is an improvement for code that wishes to
have better cross-platform, standard properties versus doing a blind
"memset" and then needing to individually set each property.

     The change is compatible with C++ because C++ leaves the padding bits
unspecified, and choosing a behavior is compatible when there is no
specified behavior in the alternatives.


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Received on 2022-03-03 15:04:45