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Re: [wg14/wg21 liaison] C memory object model study group - uninitialised reads and padding

From: JF Bastien <cxx_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 08:54:20 -0700
On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 11:40 AM Peter Sewell <Peter.Sewell_at_[hidden]>

> We'll continue with uninitialised reads on Thursday April 22 at
> 15:00 UTC = 4pm UK, 5pm Paris, 11am US east coast, 8am US west coast,
> at the same meet: meet.google.com/viy-yzhu-tof
> Below is a condensed summary of the design space as we see it so far
> (taking some liberties for brevity and speed - we don't necessarily all
> agree with everything here).
> best,
> Peter
> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/C-memory-object-model-study-group/c-mom-sg/blob/master/notes/built_doc/cmom-0007-2021-04-08-clarifying-uninitialised-reads-v6.html
> # Unitialised Reads v6: Summary
> Peter Sewell, Jens Gustedt, Martin Uecker, Kayvan Memarian
> 2021-04-13
> The semantics of uninitialised values and padding bytes in C has long been
> a vexed question: there are many conceivable semantics, there are
> conflicting demands and expectations, and the current standard text is not
> clear about all aspects. This note summarises our view of the design space
> following recent discussions in WG14 and in the C memory object model. To
> keep this concise, we focus only on the design options as we see them now,
> without examples or history.
> As the existing standard (with its concepts of trap representation,
> unspecified value, and indeterminate value) is problematic in various
> respects (which we do not detail here), we focus on what the semantics
> _should be_, and especially on the constraints on it that arise from
> practice, rather than on what the current standard text says.
> C and C++ should ideally be closely aligned for all this, but here we
> focus just on the C case. We also don't discuss the ongoing LLVM work on
> freeze and poison.
> - there are some cases where it has to be deemed an error to read a
> specific object representation, e.g. to let some implementations trap -
> these cases are now rare, but they include signalling NaNs and perhaps
> other exotic number formats.
> - there are some cases where it has to be deemed an error to operate on
> the result of a read of a specific object representation - primarily _Bool
> and floating-point cases - but where we have a free choice whether to deem
> it an error to read or write them
> - it would be reasonable to require implementations to document the cases
> where they do each of the above
> - in most cases, reading uninitialised values or padding should be deemed
> an error. We return below to what exactly that should mean, but first
> consider the exceptions.
> - copying partially initialised structs has to be allowed (either by an
> explicit struct read&write, or implicitly as a struct function argument or
> return value).
> - it's unclear whether copying partially initialised structs
> member-by-member has to be allowed. We tentatively assume not.
> - we see no programmer use-case for the current ISO address-taken
> exception (leaving representation-byte accesses aside), so we can remove
> that (though we may wish to check that whatever semantics we end up with
> admits Itanium NaT-like behaviour in case future architectures do that).
> - reading the representation bytes of uninitialised automatic storage
> duration variables and malloc'd regions has to be allowed, eg to support
> library or user memcpy of partially initialised structs (deferring what one
> knows about the results of such reads for a moment)
> - in ISO C, representation-byte accesses have to be at character
> types, but real code also relies on representation-byte accesses at larger
> types - this is likely rare, but we should support it in some way. There is
> also type-aliasing of matrices, relatively commonly.
> - reading the padding bytes of structs similarly has to be allowed, to
> support library or user memcpy
> - reading uninitialised representation bytes and padding bytes is also
> necessary for other bytewise polymorphic operations: memcmp, marshalling,
> encryption, and hashing (deferring what one knows about the results of
> such reads for a moment). It's not clear how generally these operations
> have to be supported, and we would like more data. Atomic cmpxchg on large
> structs, implemented with locks, would do a memcmp/memcpy combination (in
> fact is described as such in the standard).

For atomics with padding, C++20 adopted the following change (and I expect
that compilers will implement it in previous versions as well):

- for reads of uninitialised representation and padding bytes (they might
> not be treated identically, but we don't so far see any reason why not to),
> and of any other uninitialised value that one doesn't deem to be programmer
> errors, one could either:
> 1. regard them as holding stable concrete values. This is inconsistent
> with current behaviour for some compilers,
> 2. regard them as holding stable concrete values, but let implementations
> nondeterministically read either those or zero. This would let programmers
> control information flow via padding.
> 3. regard them as holding wobbly values, but with a memcpy (or other
> bytewise read and write) as concretising them to a nondeterministically
> chosen concrete value in the target (we think this is ugly), or
> 4. regard them as holding wobbly values that are propagated as wobbly
> values by memcpy (or other bytewise read and write), and then either:
> a. deem it to be a programmer error to operate on them in any way except
> writing them, or
> b. propagate wobbliness through operations (including
> conversions), except for UB where some concrete value would give UB (e.g.
> division by zero, and perhaps control-flow choices), nondeterministically
> picking concrete values only at external library calls (this is what
> Cerberus does at present)
> In the wobbly-value options, for padding bytes, the wobbliness of the
> source values could be either:
> i. intrinsic to the padding locations - uninitialisable, whatever happens,
> or
> ii. subject to being overwritten by explicit writes of non-wobbly
> values to padding, but reset to wobbly by preceding-adjacent or
> whole-struct writes.
> - the point of the wobbly-value options is to admit implementation
> behaviour while giving stronger guarantees for programmers than just "any
> access of any uninitialised data is UB", for the cases where the latter is
> necessary. One would not expect programmers to be intentionally
> manipulating wobbly values in many circumstances, and they can be hard to
> reason about.
> - the answers to these questions determine e.g. whether one can memcpy a
> partially initialised struct (perhaps containing padding) and then get a
> guarantee that a memcmp would compare equal. It's unclear whether this is
> a hard requirement for the semantics. Currently some tests suggest gcc may
> guarantee it, and similarly clang for copy-and-compare, but not always if
> there's also some arithmetic.
> - we think it's important for the programmer to have some way to sanitise
> padding, in cases where they have to exclude bad information flow. This
> rules out the option (i) of padding bytes being intrinsically wobbly.
> - all other cases (i.e., those that are neither representation-byte
> accesses, padding-byte accesses, or partially initialised struct member
> accesses) of reading uninitialised variables can be regarded as programmer
> errors
> - for these, we could either:
> x. make them always UB
> y. make them, at the implementation's per-instance choice, either a
> compile-time or a runtime error (a trap or signal), or either
> p. an object-creation-time nondeterministic particular concrete value,
> or
> q. a read-time nondeterministic particular concrete value, or
> r. a wobbly value following 4a or 4b.
> This is a bit like the current ISO semantics for conversion,
> This lets implementations detect and report errors wherever they
> can, while somewhat limiting "surprising" optimisations arising from UB.
> (This approach could also be applied to some other UBs.)
> z. make them wobbly, with one of the above options 1-3. This wouldn't
> permit desirable implementation error reporting.

Received on 2021-04-14 10:54:34