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[wg14/wg21 liaison] Schrödingarray

From: will wray <wjwray_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 17:58:56 -0500
A possible agenda item for tomorrow's meeting.

I'd like to propose that Liaison reopen that Pandora's box,
That tantamount-to-taboo topic; array.

Suggested remit:
Improvements for array, and array APIs, and C/C++ compatibility.

Suggested aims:
 * C as Lingua Franca of array processing
 * Flexible array APIs allowing efficient C / C++ implementations
 * Support library solutions for dynamic multi-dimensional data
 * Keep it simple, avoid old issues, focus on cross-language uses
 * ?

If there's interest and agreement then what forum to use?
  * kickstart in the liaison mailing list
  * form a new study group and mailing list
  * conjoin WG14 memory object model study group?
  * conjoin WG21 SG19 machine learning study group?

Respond here if interested

Regards, Will

  The time has come, my friends,
  To talk of ranges of things -
  Of loops - and spans - and self-adjusting stacks -
  And aggregates - and C-strings -

Received on 2021-02-08 16:59:11