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Re: Graph library open issues

From: Michael Wong <fraggamuffin_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:51:55 -0400
Thank you, I actually also want the list of issues from Andrew as well,
whether there is a solution or not, its best to list it out. Please.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 1:39 PM Phil Ratzloff via SG19 <
sg19_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Michael suggested I list the issues identified by Oliver, which I’ve
> identified below.
> In addition to the items listed, we also know we need to refine the
> definition of the edgelist concepts.
> Oliver indicated there may be more things, so this will likely be an
> incremental process to refine the proposal.
> Since the original comments, P1709 has been split into multiple papers
> numbered P3126..P3131 consecutively. They follow the same structure as
> P1709 with the chapters being made individual papers.
> Open Issues
> 1. “[P1709] has lots of details which I think to be irrelevant”
> 1. Need clarification.
> 2. "Very hard to follow" mentioned 2x.
> 1. It’s presented as a series of layers in the library. Need
> clarification on what makes it difficult.
> 3. My comment about the structure of the paper changing was a
> reference to previous comparisons with boost::graph. I'm sure these were in
> an earlier version, or am I misremembering?
> 1. We never had any comparisons to BGL.
> 2. Andrew is planning on adding a new paper to compare graph-v2
> with BGL.
> 4. “We need to add a mathematical perspective to the paper.”
> 1. P3127 was created from the Background chapter in P1709 and was
> intended for the mathematical background.
> 2. Andrew is planning extending P3127 to include a more rigorous
> mathematical description. We would like to have an independent review when
> it’s ready.
> 5. “there needs to be a proper discussion about whether the paper's
> definition of graph is what some authors call a multigraph and whether it
> does/does not include loops.”
> 1. The current version of P3128 Algorithms has a summary table for
> each algorithm that includes Complexity, Directed?, Multi-edge?, Cycles?,
> Self-loops?, and Throws?. We still need to make a pass through the
> algorithms to assure the values are correct.
> 6. The electrical circuit example has issues in P3127, section 6.1.
> 1. Andrew has acknowledged this and will replace it with a better
> example.
> 7. A concern is that the DFS and BFS functionality isn’t flexible
> enough, especially when compared to boost::graph’s visitors.
> 1. We’ve agreed to provide more flexible versions of BFS & DFS.
> 2. Phil is researching coroutines as an alternative.
> i. Oliver
> likes the examples I’ve shown but has also pointed out coroutines can’t be
> constexpr. Because of that, he would also like visitors included.
> ii. Guy
> said that coroutines might raise concerns as a “novel” approach by LEWG.
> iii. There
> are open questions about performance differences between the use of
> coroutines vs. visitors we will be investigating.
> 8. “I'm not convinced by the load api.”
> 1. Phil: I’m not either. I’ll re-examine this to see if I can
> expand the list of constructors in compressed_graph so the load functions
> can be removed.
> Resolved Issues
> 1. “build on mdspan and try to standardize (or at least understand)
> what might reasonably be called an unstructured span”
> 1. Assumes vertices are in a random-access range and prevents the
> use of bi-directed ranges like std::map, which could be used for sparse
> vertex ids. The existing design should be able to adept easily to mdspan,
> so there’s no reason to pursue this.
> --
> SG19 mailing list
> SG19_at_[hidden]
> https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/sg19

Received on 2024-04-10 17:52:09