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Next SG14 meeting on April 10th - Low Latency Financial Systems

From: Robin Rowe <robin.rowe_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:34:09 -0700
I'll be in Tokyo. Please say hi if you see me there.

I'm leading the next SG14 meeting on April 10th, as it's our turn as Low
Latency Financial Systems. Financial meets every 3 months, alternating
with Games and Embedded. Mike, am still April, right? That today's SG14
meeting was cancelled doesn't change?

During April meeting don't expect rehashing any ideas I had brought up
for discussion previously on this forum, as I've gotten great feedback
here already, and have nothing at present to add.

Aside from feedback on ideas I've suggested, I've received little input
regarding improving C++ for low latency financial systems.


FYI, financial systems concepts I've been experimenting:


Robin Rowe
Beverly Hills, California
*Chairman ISO WG21 SG14 C++ Banking and Financial Systems Subcommittee

Received on 2024-03-14 10:40:01