DOCUMENT NUMBER? Adding .first() and .last() to strings

Draft Proposal,

This version:


C++ has a lot of nice utility functions in its std::string library, but the richness of the API can be even more improved.

1. Table of Contents

2. Changelog

2.1. R0

3. Motivation and Scope

The std::string (and std::string_view) api has a lot of nice features and utility functions, but can be improved even further. Currently, to get the first N characters of a string, we need to do std::string::substr(0, N). This is fine, but people might be confused as to the usage of the 0 in the function call. Similarly, to get the last N characters of a string, we need to do std::string::substr(size() - N, N). This is also fine, but again, the first parameter could lead to confusion, or even a possible error if the wrong number were passed.

To facilitate these simple operations, I suggest adding std::string::first() and std::string::last() (and similar counterparts to std::string_view). Having these 2 utility functions brings a couple of benefits:

  1. It is more obvious and clear what the programmer intent is, .first(N) conveys better meaning as opposed to .substr(0, N), same for .last(N) and .substr(size() - N, N)

  2. Since there are less arguments, and the argument is only a count, there is less potential for programmer error

  3. It is generally simpler and less typing.

4. Impact on the Standard

These are 2 minor utility functions to be added to the STL, not impacting any existing code, so the impact on the standard is minimal.