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[std-proposals] A Small Question

From: 李 秋逸 <QiuyiLi1023_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2025 21:26:23 +0000
Hello everyone. I hava a small and maybe useless question about the cplusplus standard. Maybe there are some experts can help me. Here is the code.

#include <iostream>
struct A
      A(){} // not trivial
      void f1()const
            std::cout << this << '\n';
      void f2(this const A& self)
            std::cout << &self << '\n';

void f3(const A& a)
      std::cout << &a << '\n';

int main()
      A a{};
      a.f1(); // UB!
      f3(a); // OK
      a.f2(); // UB or not?
      auto p = &A::f2;
      p(a); // UB or not?
      p = f3;
      p(a); // OK
      new(std::addressof(a))A{}; // OK

Received on 2025-01-04 21:26:29