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[std-proposals] Allow `sync_wait(just_stopped())` and friends?

From: Ben FrantzDale <benfrantzdale_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 09:13:13 -0400
Hello list,

Right now [exec.sync.wait] item 1 says “`sync_wait` mandates that the input
sender has exactly one value completion signature.” This seems overly
restrictive for several reasons:
1. Teachability: Given `sync_wait(just())` evaluates to
`std::optional<std::tuple<>>`, where `std::nullopt` indicates stoppedness
and throwing indicates failure, a learner would expect that
`sync_wait(just_stopped()) == std::nullopt` and that
`sync_wait(just_error(e))` would have the same type but throw.

2. Main loop: In production code, I could see a `main()` function that ends
in `return async_wait(snd).has_value() ? 0 : 1;`, where `snd` is
essentially an infinite loop that can only fail or be stopped.
3. Genericity: By requiring exactly one value completion signature, that
makes the value channel special. Arguably it is special, but does it need
to be this special? And in the main-loop case, if a refactor makes `snd`
never return a value, users are forced to change the `retrurn` line.

Possible solutions:


   If there is no value channel, return as though the sender sends void (so
   `std::optional<std::tuple<>>`). This is basically what it already does for
   `sync_wait(just()) -> std::optional<std::tuple<>>` where that optional is
   never not engaged even though statically we could know that the sender is

   Return using an (unspecified?) unconstructible type in place of the
   tuple, so `sync_wait(just_stopped()) -> std::optional<__unconstructible>`.
   This has the advantage of statically exposing the fact that there will
   never be any value returned.

Of these, I prefer (a) because it has the advantage of
beginner-friendlyness and not being surprising. It is consistent with
`sync_wait(just())` which isn’t `noexcept` (even though the sender can’t
error) and returns optional even though it can’t be stopped. If advanced
users want (b), then they can easily write their own that propagates
non-error to `noexcept`, propagates non-stopping to non-optional (or an
optional-like that is statically always engaged), propagates error-only as
`[[noreturn]]`, or that, like the standard has it now, requires the sender
have a value completion.

As for `sync_wait_with_variant(just_stopped())`, I think
`std::optional<std::variant<>>` makes a lot of sense given `std::variant<>`
is an unconstructible type indicating no value channel.

Do you think this is a defect that should be addressed?


Received on 2024-10-01 13:13:31