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Re: [std-proposals] std::shared_ptr<> improvement / 2

From: Jonathan Wakely <cxx_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 17:18:44 +0100
On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 at 16:53, Arthur O'Dwyer <arthur.j.odwyer_at_[hidden]>

> On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 9:12 AM Oliver Schädlich via Std-Proposals <
> std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> I recently have presented my idea for an improvement of shared_ptr<> in
>> combination with
>> atomic<shared_ptr<>> here, but I was misunderstood. My idea was simply
>> that shared_ptr<>
>> should add a new assignement-operator with a atomic<shared_ptr<>> as its
>> parameter.
> I believe I understood that `operator=` was the form-factor you hit on
> first, yes. But that's not the right form-factor.
> I very strongly oppose adding any new overloaded operator to `atomic`
> which does not have any named-member-function version, for two reasons:
> - Good multithreaded code IMNSHO makes all atomic operations explicit
> (e.g. `int b = a.load(); a.store(b)`).
> - You need somewhere to hang the `memory_order` argument, anyway.
> With current C++ load()ing from a atomic<shared_ptr<>> is extremely slow,
>> even when you
>> have a lock-free solution since the cacheline-flipping between the cores
>> is rather expensive.
>> I've written my own shared_obj<>- (like shared_ptr<>) and
>> tshared_obj<>-classes (like atomic
>> <shared_ptr<>>) and with this optimization I get a speedup of factor
>> 5,000 when 32 threads
>> are contending on a single thared_obj<>, i.e. constantly copying it's
>> pointer to a shared_obj<>
>> object while the tshared_obj is rarely updated.
>> This is the code:
>> template<typename T>
>> shared_obj<T> &shared_obj<T>::operator =( tshared_obj<T> const &ts )
>> noexcept
>> {
>> using namespace std;
>> // important optimization for RCU-like patterns:
>> // we're managing the same object like the thread-safe object-pointer
>> ?
>> if( (size_t)m_ctrl == ts.m_dca.first().load( memory_order_relaxed ) )
>> [[likely]]
>> // yes: nothing to do
>> return *this;
> FYI, this would not be correct for `std::shared_ptr`. With
> `std::shared_ptr` it is totally possible to have two shared_ptrs owning the
> same control block yet with different values:
> std::shared_ptr<int[]> a = std::make_shared<int[]>(2);
> std::shared_ptr<int> b = std::shared_ptr<int>(a, &a[0]);
> std::shared_ptr<int> c = std::shared_ptr<int>(a, &a[1]);
> std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<int>> at;
> at.store(b);
> c = at.load(); // Replace this line with the new API, i.e.
> at.load_into(c); or c = at;
> assert(c == b); // This had better be true after the load!
> So you need to look at both halves of the shared_ptr. I believe this
> requires a double-wide atomic load to avoid tearing-esque problems.

Or you load an actual shared_ptr<T> object, which gives you both pointers
"atomically" (even if there might be a lock involved), but that involves
the ref count increment that is apparently the source of the overhead.

Maybe you could atomically get a pair<control_block*, T*> and then if both
values (or just the first?) equal the values in *this, then you do nothing
(and we know this is thread-safe because *this must own the pointer, so its
ref count is greater than 0 and won't drop to zero even if the
atomic<shared_ptr<T>> is being concurrently modified). If the values are
not equal, then you need to reload from the atomic, because it could have
changed since you loaded the pair<control_block*, T*> and invalidated the
previous values.

But that's not what the posted code does.

    // erase our object pointer
>> this->~shared_obj();
> As Jonathan said, technically, what you want here is
> *this = nullptr;
> Also, the following line repoints `m_ctrl`, but where do you actually
> repoint the object pointer to point to the same object as `*ts`?

It looks like this implementation just has a single pointer (the pointer to
the control block, maybe?) and not a second pointer to a T*. That's not how
std::shared_ptr works, and I don't immediately see how to adapt the code
that was shown to work for std::shared_ptr.

> // copy() increments the reference count for ourself
>> m_ctrl = ts.copy();
>> return *this;
>> }

Received on 2024-08-28 16:20:04