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[std-proposals] contiguous_iterator is too restrictive in C++26 std::optional<T&>

From: Piotr Nycz <piotrwn1_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:00:12 +0200

I have a small request(bug fix? improvement) to existing (probably accepted
already) proposals to C++26 about std::optional class.

I am pretty sure (I tested it) that contiguous_iterator as specified in
this paper Give std::optional Range Support
<https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2024/p3168r2.html> is
too restrictive as for next proposal - std::optional<T&>
In my opinion it should be just input_iterator.

The main reason is that for input_iterator I wouldn't need to have T
defined - it can still be forward declared - thus compilation time will not
have to increase - nor I have to add any extra includes when changing from:

struct Some;
void func(Some&);
std::optional<Some&> a = get();

if (a) func(*a);


for (auto& v: a) func(v);

The other reasons - who would care if the iterator type to 0-or-1 range is
contiguous or not, then no need to complicate...

I have such an optional to reference type in most of projects I am working
on, and when we tried to add contiguous range support - it failed to
compile pretty seriously because of quite a lot of compile time
optimization based on forward declarations.

In practice it is also easier to implement input iterator, not to mention
less code to write:

struct input_iterator
    T* ptr;
    input_iterator& operator++() { ptr = nullptr; return *this; }
class optional<T&>
     T* ptr;
      contiguous_iterator begin() const { return ptr; }
      contiguous_iterator end() const { return nullptr; }

comparing to:

struct contiguous_iterator
    T* ptr;
    contiguous_iterator& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; } // the line
that requires T to be defined
    // who would need --, -, +, etc...
class optional<T&>
     T* ptr;
      contiguous_iterator begin() const { return ptr; }
      contiguous_iterator end() const { return ptr + has_value(); } // the
next line that requires T to be defined

Piotr Nycz

Received on 2024-08-16 12:00:26