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Re: [std-proposals] No shortcut logical operands-functions

From: Robin Savonen Söderholm <robinsavonensoderholm_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 21:40:52 +0200
@Marcin: Yes exactly, a bitwise-operation (or even an '*') may save us from
the extra branch.

a) Yes, it would be fantastic if the optimiser could solve all such
problems for us. However, that is not always the case. The problem, I
think, is that it is very difficult to know beforehand when shortcutting is
good or not. And it may even be a question about average vs. worst-case
time tradeoff. Doing a realtime system, we may be more interested in the
worst-case scenario and thus, always want shortcuts gone when possible. And
even if this case if feasible in theory, it becomes a very long loop to
improve my program if I first must create a unit-test that shows
sub-optimal code that (hopefully) pinpoints the exact problem that I have
and then wait for the vendor to release a new version with the unit-test
fixed. Quicker if I can try to eliminate branches myself directly when
profiling various things. Also, sometimes I have to work with compilers
with questionable quality, and at those times I prefer to have the ability
to choose certain things myself when I have to.

b) Attributes could work, but would they not be part of the compiler rather
than the library? I was led to believe that extending the library is easier
than the compiler, thereby my approach of adding it as either functions or
generator expressions.

c) Personally, I think this one goes against what you stated after the
list: here we suddenly *need* to change our code to something
similar-but-not-quite looking thing in *hopes* that the compiler will do
what we hope, rather than allowing us to explicitly state "hey, at this
exact line, I need you to do this". Besides, the expression inside the '{}'
may be more complicated, making the `?`-syntax not viable.

But I do whole-heartly agree that using this carelessly can definitely be
pessimations rather than optimisations at times, but so can constantly
using "const &" rather than pass-by-value-and-move be as well.

@Jens: It is hard to say how often this may be a problem. But I can
understand the point that it may not be a problem often enough that we need
a standardized way of dealing with it. It's just that if I need to
implement it myself, I have to check for all compilers that I use that my
function does not generate unwanted branches, and I may even need to use
macros and if-defs to create vendor-specific workarounds to force the
wanted behaviour. If I were on the other hand to implement this in a
standard library used by a single compiler vendor, then the task becomes
simpler (maybe not as much as I'd hoped though since both GCC:s and MSVC:s
standard library implementations are used by Clang as well..)

// Robin

On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 9:15 PM Sebastian Wittmeier via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> How to tackle this:
> a) One could just try to improve the optimizers:
> Create a lot of examples (unit tests) and file reports to the compiler
> vendors, where the code with -O3 is not optimal.
> b) Request the speed improvement with an attribute; if the optimizer does
> not manage, a warning is output at that line of code.
> c) If you want to change the code to not create conditional jumps, I would
> not start with the condition, but with the if clause.
> Change it to return (a > 0 && b != 0) ? 0 : 1;
> d) Only if that is not enough and perhaps Marcin's hint of using &, then I
> would think of introducing new ways to state the condition.
> The think is, the logic of the code stays the same; a good compiler should
> not care how the logic is formulated, if it basically is identical in
> meaning.
> Introducing new ways, which enforce some kind of translation into machine
> code, would limit a lot, what the optimizer may still do. Your idea could
> lead to a pessimization, if e.g. a > 0 does not have to be tested for at
> all at that point and the new construct enforces a certain translation.
> Examples could be more extreme, even spanning function calls - perhaps the
> function can be inlined, and the return would never be executed. Or one
> conditional jump is enough to avoid 5 others and you prevent it.
> So I would start with performance hints before going into stricter
> enforcements.
> Best,
> Sebastian
> --
> Std-Proposals mailing list
> Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
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Received on 2024-08-15 19:41:28