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[std-proposals] Initial draft for C++: Uniform Initialization for Multiple Variables

From: Amber Bhardwaj <amber.bhardwaj10_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 17:14:35 +0530
*Hello CppCommunity,*

*My name is Amber Bhardwaj. It's been almost a decade since I started using
C++. I got an idea that I want to present in front of this cpp community. I
am not sure how good this idea is for others! But I feel this feature
should be present so kindly review it and suggestions are most welcome. *

*1. Problem StatementC++ currently requires separate lines for declaring
and initializing multiple variables of the same type. This can become
verbose and cumbersome, especially for simple cases where all variables
share the same value.2. Proposed SolutionIntroduce a new syntax for uniform
initialization of multiple variables within curly braces:*
> *type {var1, var2, ..., varn} = value;*

*where: - type specifies the data type of the variables being declared.-
var1, var2, ..., varn are comma-separated names of the variables.- value is
the expression used to initialize all variables.Example:*
> *int {x, y, z, p} = 0; *

*This code declares and initializes four integer variables x, y, z, and p
to the value 0.3. Advantages - Improved code readability: The syntax is
more concise and easier to maintain, especially for initializing multiple
variables with the same value.- Reduced boilerplate: Eliminates the need
for separate lines for each variable declaration and initialization.-
Potential for pattern matching: This syntax might open doors for future
language features like pattern matching in the future.4. Disadvantages -
Potential for parser ambiguity: Careful consideration is needed to avoid
ambiguity with existing syntax.- Backward compatibility: This feature could
introduce minor compatibility issues for existing code.- Limited
applicability: This approach is primarily useful for simple initialization
of variables with the same type.5. Design Considerations - Should the
syntax be limited to a single initializer (e.g., only constants) or allow
for expressions?- How can we ensure clarity and avoid conflicts with
existing destructuring syntax?- Can this syntax be extended to handle
different data types with specific limitations?6. Prior ArtSimilar syntax
exists in other programming languages like Python and JavaScript. In C++,
structured bindings with tuples offer a partial solution but require more
complex code.7. Future Directions - I encourage discussion and feedback
from the C++ community via the std-proposals mailing list.- Based on
community input, we plan to refine the proposal to address potential
issues.- I will present the final proposal to the C++ standards committee
for consideration.8. ConclusionThis proposal introduces a new syntax for
initializing multiple variables in C++. I believe this feature would
enhance code readability and conciseness while maintaining the core
strengths of the language. I look forward to engaging with the community
and working towards potential implementation.*

*Thanks & Regards,Amber Bhardwaj*

Received on 2024-08-12 11:45:14