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Re: [std-proposals] std::elide

From: Frederick Virchanza Gotham <cauldwell.thomas_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:07:20 +0100
On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 1:31 PM Lénárd Szolnoki wrote:
> I think if you are going to propose a barebones solution with many
> undefined behavior traps, than what should be done is to just expose the
> return slot to the function body as storage, without automatically
> constructing anything there. Then it's the responsibility of the
> function to populate the return slot, if the function exits by exception
> or to ensure that the return slot is empty, if it exits by exception.

That's exactly what I did here:


Received on 2024-05-20 13:07:33