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Re: [std-proposals] std::elide

From: Frederick Virchanza Gotham <cauldwell.thomas_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 21:28:19 +0100
On Sunday, May 19, 2024, Jason McKesson wrote:
> Then you haven't actually fixed the problem, have you? If you believe
> that the standard needs a way to do NRVO, then providing a "way to do
> NRVO" that doesn't represent legal C++ code is not actually fixing the
> problem.

Well you can make it all legal C++ code if you tinker with the object
files instead of the C++ source files. For example I can write the
following function:

void Func(void *const p)
    auto &m = *::new(p) mutex{};

And compile it to an object file which will export the following
symbol: _Z4FuncPv

Then all you need to do is use 'objcopy' (or a hex editor) to rename
that symbol to: _Z4Funcv

And now it behaves as though you had written:

mutex Func(void)
    mutex m;
    return m;

And then in a separate translation unit, you declare the function as:
 extern mutex Func(void);
Or . . . to make things even simpler, just define the function as
"extern C" and then you don't have to change the linker symbol as it
will simply be "Func".

As fun and interesting as this back-and-forth is, Jason, let's get to
the crux of the matter. There's already a lengthy paper to provide


This paper has been gathering dust for 3 years (actually a few more
than that if you consider the previous revisions), and it's not
because it's a bad paper. I think it hasn't had any thrust behind it
because it's just too much grief to write it into the Standard and for
compiler vendors to implement it. So if P2025 is going to gather dust
past C++26, C++29, C++32 and so on, then how about we just try
something less ambitious. A less-ambitious alternative would be to
allow something like:

mutex Func(void)
    auto &m = _Retvar{};
    return _Retvar;

I propose that the operator "_Retvar" can only be used in a function
that returns by value. Its job is to create an object of the return
type, and it returns a reference to the new object. Then later you
just write "return _Retvar" to return from the function.

Received on 2024-05-19 20:28:29