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[std-proposals] Idea of try_throw (Conditional Throw Statement)?

From: Andrew Tomazos <andrewtomazos_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 03:16:16 +0100
Imagine a C++ keyword `try_throw` and a try-throw-statement with the
following syntax:

      try_throw assignment-expression_opt ;

If one of the 13 conditions listed in [except.terminate] (
https://eel.is/c++draft/except.terminate) applies, then a
try-throw-statement has no effect (and its expression is not evaluated).

Otherwise, it has the effect of a normal throw expression statement and
control is passed to the appropriate catch handler.

This would mean you could write code like:

    if (/* something bad */) {
        /* clean up */
        try_throw std::runtime_error(/*...*/);
        /* attempt to recover locally */
        return /* ... */;

In essence, it allows for falling back to local recovery when a catch
handler is unavailable. (Normally, in those situations the global
terminate handler is called, and local recovery is not permitted.)

Any thoughts?

Received on 2023-05-29 02:16:29