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Re: [std-proposals] Proposal to add f-strings to C++ as an improvement of string formatting

From: Yuri <yuri_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 17:28:29 -0800
On 12/28/22 09:00, Barry Revzin via Std-Proposals wrote:
> On the other hand this:
> fmt::print(f"threshold is {threshold}, time is now {time()}\n");
> is substantially better (though not much shorter) than this:
> fmt::print("threshold is {}, time is now {}\n", threshold, time());

fmt::print is a separate library so it can't appear in the C++ standard.

The C++ standard defines the basic C++ syntax, and then the standard

The interpolated string feature can't be defined in any library,

though. Library functions like fmt::print() or std::format() parse

the format string and then match supplied arguments to placeholders.

This isn't what the interpolated string feature does. The interpolated

string should be defined as an element of C++ syntax.

operator<<() is the only C++-native string formatting construct, so

it is natural to tie interpolated strings to operator<<().


Received on 2022-12-31 01:28:33