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Re: [std-proposals] Relocation in C++

From: Sébastien Bini <sebastien.bini_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 15:36:15 +0200
On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 12:41 PM Edward Catmur <ecatmur_at_[hidden]>

> On Mon, 22 Aug 2022 at 09:45, Sébastien Bini <sebastien.bini_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
>> But the default implementation does memberwise reloc-assignment. How is
>> each subobject passed down to each reloc-assign without involving a copy at
>> each call (and recursively down to the smallest parts)? That cannot be done
>> without the aliasing I guess.
> A compiler-generated default implementation that is (implicitly or
> explicitly) declared as defaulted can use aliasing, and probably should be
> required to do so. If that isn't the case (say the relocating assignment
> operator is defined as defaulted out-of-line in a separate TU, and LTO
> isn't in use) then yes, without aliasing a subobject of that type would
> need to be relocated (not copied as such) into the relocating assignment
> operator parameter slot; and this could occur recursively.
> I would expect that this would not in practice be a problem for
> performance, but perhaps we should mandate aliasing in this case: passing a
> prvalue (i.e. not a glvalue, which is necessarily copied/moved to the
> parameter slot) to a relocating assignment operator, or recursively calling
> that relocating assignment operator from the compiler-generated relocating
> assignment operator of a containing class.

I'm in favor of the default operator to be aliased. However this is not
enough as if the assignment operator of each subclass is not aliased, then
you may still end-up making that many copies (or relocations).

I believe we do need to provide a way to clearly annotate the assignment
operator as aliased (that reloc keyword comes in). Also, it would serve for
assignment operators that are defaulted in the implementation file only.

> An aside; for types that have the new callee-destroy ABI (through being
>>> relocate-only, or through declaring a relocating constructor and not opting
>>> out of the new argument passing ABI), the copy part of copy-and-swap is
>>> unnecessary: swap simpliciter is sufficient, since the source object is
>>> then destroyed at the closing brace of the relocating assignment operator.
>>> But copy-and-swap is manifestly safer for use with caller-destroy types.
>> I don't get that point. The copy is either elided or done by relocation
>> right (given that we have a reloc ctor)?
> Yes, but even relocation is unnecessary; a reloc-and-swap implementation
> of T::operator=(T rhs) is written as:
> T::operator=(T rhs) {
> T tmp(reloc rhs); // calls T::T(T), relocating rhs into tmp and
> obviating destructor call on rhs
> tmp.swap(*this); // hand-written to swap subobjects memberwise
> } // tmp.~T(); is called at end of scope
> But given that T is callee-destroy (which it must be for the reloc part of
> reloc-and-swap to actually invoke the relocating constructor as opposed to
> the move constructor), this could just be:
> T::operator=(T rhs) {
> rhs.swap(*this); // hand-written to swap subobjects memberwise
> } // rhs.~T(); is called at end of scope (and never delayed till end of
> caller-expression)

Indeed, thanks for clarifying.

> I'm split about this reloc-assignment.
>> - If we don't have aliasing then we have a problem with the default
>> implementation. = default does memberwise reloc-assign, and I don't know
>> how it is going to perform. Surely making recursive copies of all
>> subjobjects down to their smallest bits is not acceptable.
>> - If we have aliasing then we are fine with the default
>> implementation. But then we need to decide whether it is the responsibility
>> of the aliased-prvalue-assignment to destroy the source object.
>> - If yes, then as you pointed down, some uncautious developer may
>> easily write leaks.
>> - If not then the aliased-prvalue-assignment cannot alleviate the
>> call to the destructor of the source, even by relocating from it (we are no
>> better than move-assign)... Indeed, if the aliased-prvalue-assignment could
>> optionally destroy the source object (by relocating from it for instance),
>> then the caller-site would need to know whether it still needs to call the
>> destructor on the source. The ABI does not allow to propagate that kind of
>> information (from callee to caller). (Sure, we could change the ABI for
>> this operator only (which we are already doing with aliasing), but let's
>> not push this too far.) We don't have that kind of issue with the
>> relocation constructor as it is in charge of destroying the source object,
>> and as such the caller-site needs not to take any further action.
>> - Consequently, if we have aliasing and that
>> aliased-prvalue-assignment is not in charge of destroying the source
>> object, then we shoot ourselves in the foot, as then we cannot even
>> implement destroy-and-relocate, which would seem like a pretty obvious
>> implementation for such an operator... Likewise we would not fully support
>> relocation-only types.
>> I'd very much prefer to have aliasing and the destruction of the source
>> object to be the responsibility of the operator. That would be opt-in with
>> the reloc keywork in the operator declaration, in place of virtual or
>> static. It would feel very consistent with how the reloc ctor works, and
>> the default implementation will not be deoptimized. I still don't know how
>> to make it safe to write though :/
> The ABI would be the same as that for passing any other type by value that
> is non-trivially relocatable and has not opted out of ABI break; that is,
> it would be the responsibility of the relocating assignment operator to
> destroy its RHS operand. The only difference would be that when called as
> x = reloc y; elision of the relocating constructor on y would be mandatory
> (y would not need to be relocated into rhs of T::operator=(T rhs), since
> rhs would alias y; this is safe wrt. self-assignment since if x aliases y
> the code already has UB). The call site then knows that y has been
> destroyed and does not emit a further destructor call.
> However, what I think you're missing is that the destructor call would
> still be emitted automatically within the relocating assignment operator,
> unless obviated either by the assignment operator being defaulted (in which
> case there is no code for the user to get wrong) or by relocating from the
> parameter. If the user really does want to take responsibility for
> destroying the RHS operand, they would reloc into a union member (which
> hopefully would be elided).

Indeed, you are right. Unlike in the relocation constructor, where the
destructor of the source object is not called (unless synthesized
relocation with a delegating constructor happens), it will indeed be called
in the assignment operator (unless reloc is used on RHS).

This part should make everything work then:

   - the default implementation should work fine with aliasing,
   - the assignment operator is still in charge of destructing the source
   object, and we can write destroy-and-relocate or swap implementations.

What's still lacking though, but not a blocking issue in my opinion, is
that in the assignment operator implementation, users cannot elegantly call
a subobject's prvalue assignment operator. What if std::relocate where just
a mere cast, similar to std::move?

template <class T>
T std::relocate(const T& d) { return static_cast<T>(d); }

Then users can write: (with: `class T : B { D _d; };` )

T& T::operator=(T rhs)
    _d = std::relocate(rhs._d);
   return *this;

std::relocate is safe to use as it no longer leaves the source object in a
destroyed state. Temporaries are still created for B and _d subobjects
(even if their assignment operator is aliased), but it still allows for
nice, exception-safe code. The new overload resolution rules will pick the
prvalue-assignment operator if it exists, or else move or copy assignment

And we can still write std::relocate_at in terms of std::relocate:

template <class T>
T* std::relocate_at(const T* src, T* dst) { new (dst)
T{std::relocate(*src)}; } // selected only T has a relocation ctor.
// we cannot use std::construct_at as it does not have a prvalue overload,
and as such std::relocate_at is not constexpr :/

My only concern is then users will confuse reloc and std::relocate. We
mentioned a while ago to rename std::relocate due its dangerous nature, but
if it's a mere cast then that point does not hold anymore.

Received on 2022-08-22 13:36:29