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Re: [std-proposals] Use of volatile as function argument should not be deprecated.

From: Ryan P. Nicholl <rnicholl_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2022 13:34:11 +0000
There is no real reason we should need to add a new feature for what already legitimately works today.

Existing behavior of volatile was fine. The new definition of volatile is considered harmful. I would hope the compiler vendors have the sense to ignore this nonsense and keep the old behavior.

-------- Original Message --------
On Jun 9, 2022, 00:20, Thiago Macieira via Std-Proposals wrote:

> On Wednesday, 8 June 2022 20:16:50 PDT Ryan P. Nicholl via Std-Proposals
> wrote:
>> All compilers have debuggers, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to use
>> e.g. "RelWithDebInfo" and then turn on a variable. I'm pretty sure the
>> point of volatile is to eliminate the "as-if" rule for that particular
>> variable, meaning a debugger should be allowed to change the value and the
>> compiler respect that.
> That's an incorrect understanding. The language does need not take debugging
> into account. The language defines how the program runs in the abstract machine
> and volatile variables are I/O -- that is, they communicate with the outside
> world.
> Under the "as-if" rule, if the compiler can prove that no I/O is possible,
> then it *can* remove the volatile variable completely. That's what's happening
> here.
> Global variables' address can be manipulated by the linker and placed in MMIO
> regions, but if this is a possibility, then it is a contract between the
> compiler and linker. That's not possible at all for stack (automatic storage)
> variables, because there's no symbol for the linker to see in the first place.
> Therefore, stack variables simply cannot be volatile. The language in the
> standard was updated to clarify this situation, allowing the compilers to do
> what should have been there all along.
>> A register can sure be volatile if it tells the compiler not to optimize
>> away accesses or uses of that register, since the program's execution could
>> be stopped and then a debugger simply rewrite the variable.
> There's no such thing as optimisation in the standard. If you want to control
> what the optimiser of your compiler does or does not do, you need to discuss
> it with your compiler vendor.
> Volatile *general purpose* registers make no sense. Some architectures do have
> such a thing as I/O via registers, but compilers would never allocate a
> variable to them, exactly because their use would have side-effect. Conversely,
> compilers always use registers that don't have side-effects
> In a debugger, you could rewrite a variable, indeed, but that doesn't mean
> your program will proceed to run correctly. The fact that a variable has a
> current storage location somewhere your debugger can modify it does not mean
> it's the only copy or that knowledge about it wasn't used in other
> optimisations, prior to that point or after it.
>> I therefore see a perfectly legitimate way for a function parameter to be
>> volatile? It certainly isn't useful to have stack volatiles for hardware
>> programming but I have found the current implementation which allows it for
>> communication between the debugger and the program to be quite useful. I'm
>> not sure if the standard requires this behavior but I believe it does.
> I do not see it as legitimate. In your own words: "it isn't useful to have
> stack volatiles for hardware programming". That's what volatile means today
> and that's what the standard removed. Asking that it be reversed in a defect
> report implies that this determination was wrong -- and it isn't.
> I see a perfectly legitimate use-case in what you're asking, though. You may
> want to write a paper to give new meaning to the volatile keyword and address
> your use-case, but that's not the same as what you're asking right now.
> I think your best bet is to discuss this with your compiler vendor and have
> them provide a way for you to annotate somehow the sources and indicate a
> variable must be spilled to memory and that the compiler must disable
> optimisations that would assume its value stays unchanged while it is there.
> They may decide to use the volatile marker as an extension to the standard.
>> Another case is that if we did have a "volatile sig_atomic_t" as a function
>> parameter then we can pass that address to a global variable and install a
>> signal handler that uses it. There's no rule against taking the address of
>> a function argument and the calling convention is pretty irrelevant for
>> this purpose. I would suppose a volatile argument behaves the same way as
>> const, irrelevant for the caller but relevant for the definition.
> You don't need a volatile parameter for that. You can create a local variable
> for it. They cost exactly the same.
> volatile atomics (not sig_atomic_t) are practically the only valid use of
> volatile. And besides communicating with peripheral hardware via MMIO,
> asynchronous signal handlers are the only remaining situation where even
> volatile atomics make sense. They're subtly different to modifications by other
> threads of execution. This is an area of the standard that still has some
> rough edges.
> --
> Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
> Software Architect - Intel DPG Cloud Engineering
> --
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Received on 2022-06-09 13:34:22