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[std-proposals] Fwd: A new kind variable for immediate functions

From: Torben Thaysen <thaysentorben_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2022 09:00:00 +0100
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marcin Jaczewski <marcinjaczewski86_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [std-proposals] A new kind variable for immediate functions
To: Torben Thaysen <thaysentorben_at_[hidden]>
Cc: Marcin Jaczewski <marcinjaczewski86_at_[hidden]>

pt., 4 mar 2022 o 16:03 Torben Thaysen <thaysentorben_at_[hidden]> napisał(a):
>> This means we can't use `std::string` as it would "leak" memory from
>> compile time to run time and mixup life times of compilation and
>> runtime.
> That is why I made the restriction to consteval functions. There
shouldn't be any way to leak the address of a local variable inside a
consteval function to
> runtime code. The same is true for any intermediate object created during
the evaluation of a constant expression. Otherwise we couldn't even use
> vector/string as regular variables in constant expressions. For example
> consteval auto foo() {
> std::string s("Test");
> return s.size();
> }
> is clearly valid and there better be no way to leak the memory allocated
by "s" to runtime. And that doesn't change when we make "s" a "consteval"

You miss my point, we have effectively two types of `std::string` now,
one allocated by compiler and another by runtime.
We can't mix them and even refer to them in the same context at once.
I hope that my approach simply remedy problem closer to root cause and
allow easier to transfer data between this two "scopes" aka compile
time and runtime.

> Marcin Jaczewski <marcinjaczewski86_at_[hidden]>:
>> pt., 4 mar 2022 o 14:53 Torben Thaysen <thaysentorben_at_[hidden]>
>> >>
>> >> I think this should be fixed a bit diffrent way. Current `constexpr`
>> >> variables can materialize in result code and this is problem if we use
>> >> memory allocation.
>> >
>> > I am not sure what you mean. The way I understand it, whether you find
some trace of constexpr variables in the final binary/assembly
>> > (or whether they are "materialized") is decided by the compiler the
same way as for any other (inline) variable. Since what I am proposing is
>> > a local variable inside of immediate functions, the only place they
could "materialize" is into the body of that function, which by definition
>> > exist at runtime.
>> > When you try something like
>> >
>> > consteval const int* leak_ptr() {
>> > consteval int i = 1;
>> > return &i;
>> > }
>> > int main() {
>> > constexpr auto ptr = leak_ptr();
>> > }
>> >
>> > the local variable won't "materialize", instead you would get a
compiler error since a pointer to an object of automatic storage duration
is not
>> > allowed in a constant expression.
>> >
>> I mean case like:
>> ```
>> int main()
>> {
>> constexpr auto i = 5;
>> return (unsigned long int)&i;
>> }
>> ```
>> https://godbolt.org/z/Wx1v5KWjo
>> We have a real variable on stack with address.
>> This means we can't use `std::string` as it would "leak" memory from
>> compile time to run time and mixup life times of compilation and
>> runtime.
>> Most of the limitations of `constexpr` is because of this case.
>> >> One way I could see to fix it make option for "pure" `constexpr
>> >> variables that only live during compilation and are not accessible in
>> >> anyway by run time.
>> >
>> > This sounds quite similar to what I proposed but with the requirement
to be in an immediate function removed. This might have the advantage
>> > that it could save you from having to define an extra function.
However consider that with your version you are restricted to the
initializer of result
>> > variable, which means that when the constructor you mentioned doesn't
exist or you want to do something more complicated the just copy some data,
>> > you would have to write a helper function anyways.
>> >
>> Yes, but the difference is I make a clear distinction between what
>> lives at compile time and what lives at runtime. as now `constexpr`
>> variables can migrate between.
>> > Marcin Jaczewski <marcinjaczewski86_at_[hidden]>:
>> >>
>> >> pt., 4 mar 2022 o 12:54 Torben Thaysen via Std-Proposals
>> >> <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> napisał(a):
>> >> >
>> >> > Currently when computing things at compile time one sometimes faces
a problem when trying to output the result to a constexpr variable.
>> >> > This happens when the result is data structure without a fixed size
that utilizes dynamic memory allocation, which in itself is not a
>> >> > constant expression (for example a vector). Today the result can be
converted to a more appropriate fixed sized structure like this:
>> >> >
>> >> > constexpr std::vector<int> compute_vector();
>> >> > constexpr std::size_t extract_size() { return
compute_vector().size(); }
>> >> > constexpr auto as_array() {
>> >> > auto vec = compute_vector();
>> >> > std::array<int, extract_size()> arr;
>> >> > std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), arr.begin());
>> >> > return arr;
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> > But this somewhat awkwardly involves doing the computation twice.
The only way around this is to copy the data to a large intermediate array
>> >> > then copy it again into an array of the right size. Neither of
these solutions is really ideal and that is what this proposal aims to
>> >> >
>> >> > For this I want to introduce a new kind of variable that can be
declared inside an immediate function. With this the above example could
look like:
>> >> >
>> >> > constexpr std::vector<int> compute_vector();
>> >> > consteval auto as_array() {
>> >> > consteval auto vec = compute_vector(); // example syntax
>> >> > std::array<int, vec.size()> arr;
>> >> > std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), arr.begin());
>> >> > return arr;
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> > The requirements for this type of variable should conceptually be
similar to those for constexpr variables (see and 7.7.11) except
>> >> >
>> >> > Targets of pointers and references don't have to have static
storage duration. In particular pointers to dynamically allocated memory
are allowed.
>> >> > Memory allocations performed in the initialization can (and must)
be deallocated in the destructor.
>> >> > And (i think) pointers to immediate functions can also be allowed,
since this type of variable only exists inside immediate functions.
Although this
>> >> > isn't required for the aim of this proposal.
>> >> >
>> >> > To my reading this lifts all the requirements of 7.7.11 so that any
core constant expression with the modified allocation requirement would be
>> >> > Like with constexpr variables these new variables should also be
implied to be const. And I propose for consistency they should be allowed
to be
>> >> > declared in any immediate function context as by 7.7.13 (i.e. also
inside a if consteval statement).
>> >> >
>> >> > Looking forward to your feedback
>> >> > Torben
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > Std-Proposals mailing list
>> >> > Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
>> >> > https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/std-proposals
>> >>
>> >> I think this should be fixed a bit diffrent way. Current `constexpr`
>> >> variables can materialize in result code and this is problem if we use
>> >> memory allocation.
>> >> One way I could see to fix it make option for "pure" `constexpr
>> >> variables that only live during compilation and are not accessible in
>> >> anyway by run time.
>> >> This way we could make:
>> >> ```
>> >> int main() //can be used in any function!
>> >> {
>> >> consteval auto s1 = std::string("Test"); //variable and memory
>> >> allocation live only during "compilation" of `main`, we could consider
>> >> this a new `static` in some way.
>> >> static constexpr std::array<int, s1.size()> a1 = { s1.begin(),
>> >> s1.end() }; //assume that array have constructor that can copy from
>> >> range
>> >>
>> >> auto s2 = std::string(s1); //Error! `s1` is not accessible here!
>> >> auto s3 = std::string(a1.begin(), a1.end()); //normal string that
>> >> copy data from static memory
>> >> }
>> >> ```

Received on 2022-03-05 08:00:12