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Re: [std-proposals] Relax condition for potentially invoked destructor in constructor

From: Arvid Norberg <arvid.norberg_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2022 13:04:32 +0100
On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 9:28 AM organicoman via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> The current implementation which assumes that the member initialization
> list calls the member subobjects constructors in order of declaration,
> otherwise garbage is produced.
> This is disaster!

It's not so much an assumption as a definition, in order to keep things
simple and efficient. The "disaster" is quite easily averted by "-Wall
-Werror". As I said earlier, all major compilers will tell you if your
initializer list is in a different order than declaration order.

> Where is the difficulty to implement it the following way:
> 1- At compile time, scan the constructor member initialization list.
> 2- create a dependency graph.
> 3- make sure that *class subobjects *are initialized first in their order
> of inheritance.
> 4- generate code for the constructor under compilation, which will call
> the *member* *subobjects* constructors in different order than their
> declaration order in the class, as per the user wish.
> Isn't more intuitive?

You keep hand-waving away the problem of the destructor possibly being
defined in a separate translation unit that cannot see the definition of
the constructor. You also hand-wave away the possibility of having two
constructors that end up with different initialization orders. In that case
you need to record, at run-time, which constructor was used for a specific
instance, so the destructor knows which order to destroy its subobjects in.
Doing either is a net negative in my book.

You could invent a build system that guarantees that all translation units
containing constructors are compiled first, then communicate which order
they ended up deciding to initialize subobjects in, and then feed this
information into all the translation units that contain destructors. I hope
you see the difficulty and complexity of trying to do that (for virtually
zero benefit).

As a program writer, i will be free to not watch in which order i
> initialize my member objects, when writing my constructor.
> It is so flexible and saves the day.

Passing "-Wall -Werror" to your compiler also saves the day, and is simpler.

> An object constructor is sensible piece of code, making it non-intuitive
> could lead to disaster.
> Just imagine this scenario:
> " some developer want to write the constructor of a defibrillator, then
> by mistake he didn't respect the order of initialization of just one member
> object, now his defibrillator instead of starting at ZERO volts power, it
> starts at a random value.
> Two consequences, either his code damages the machine, or kills the
> patient"

That's why you would be required (by law most likely) to pass "-Wall
-Werror" to your compiler when building medical devices.

Arvid Norberg

Received on 2022-02-26 12:04:45