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Re: How about a committee library as well as a standard library? (was Fwd: Distributed random number ordering)

From: Ville Voutilainen <ville.voutilainen_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 18:11:19 +0300
On Fri, 14 May 2021 at 18:00, René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
<grafikrobot_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 9:48 AM Ville Voutilainen via Std-Proposals <std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> so a need for a general library search will remain in place.
> If only we had committee members that worked for companies whose expertise is indexing and searching.

If they can contribute some engine-work for this, that's fine and all
that, but what I'm gunning for is a library
search that returns all of its results from the same site, instead of
from all over the internets. I already have
the searches that look all over the internets, and they don't solve
the problem. So sure, I'm not looking
for a package manager as such, but I am looking for a solution where
the metadata is 'packaged' the same
for all the libraries. Which of course means that it needs to be
maintained. But that metadata is what makes
all the difference, as in "the library does $foo and $bar, packages
for $packagemanager1 and $packagemanager2
are available, for $packagemanage3 they aren't", if you get my drift.
There's other useful metadata, too, and
a general web search can't feasibly collect it, at least as far as
I've experienced.

Received on 2021-05-14 10:11:32