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Re: Fwd: N+1 Problem of C++ I/O facilities

From: Jorg Brown <jorg.brown_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:27:13 -0800
Posting a PDF file makes it more difficult for people to respond to you,
because it's so much harder to quote you and reply to specific parts of
what you said.

So I'm going to take the liberty of translating your doc to HTML, and
including that at the end of this mail.

A few blanket comments though:

1. I appreciate that you start the paper "This paper is a not constructive
proposal." It's nice to know that up front, but simply saying it up front
doesn't negate the principal problem with your paper, namely that it's a
complaint rather than a proposal for a specific step to fix the problem.

2. You start your paper saying "We keep reinventing stuff for doing exactly
the same thing what cstdio and iostream were doing.", and you end it by
saying "I think we need a new I/O library to replace stdio.h and iostream".

It reminds me of https://xkcd.com/927/ :

You do also say that "I hope it is not an N+1 problem. It better be N+1-N =
1 problem." I interpret this to mean that you would like C++ to come up
with a completely new I/O library, and then remove support for both C-style
I/O and iostreams?

If so, then I congratulate you for having the audacity to propose such a
bold plan. Unfortunately, such a change would cause nearly every C++
program ever written to fail to compile. Having recently watched a much
less-bold proposal be presented to the C++ committee by Titus Winters, I
can assure you that such a change would not be accepted.

-- Jorg

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 3:27 PM Shengdun Wang via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> This paper is a not constructive proposal. It is probably not even a
proposal since I am not going to solve this in this proposal. However, I
see this as the worst issue in C++. Though I have my library of attempting
to solve the problem and it is a success for me, smart people like Herb
Sutter, Niall Douglas, Titus Winters, etc.may have better solutions than
mine. I think the direction of future C++ is wrong. I think we need to
delay further proposals like Network TS, Executors, Process, and LLFIO
since they have an integration issue, and they will probably be another
failure just like charconv.

Recently I did a simple survey on google forms. My statistics show 48% of
C++ projects banned iostream in part or whole of their project. The
statistics look very similar to Herb Sutter’s Survey on C++
exceptions.Around half of C++ projects banned iostream. I know my sample
size too small and very likely to be biased. I would like to see Herb
Sutter do the same survey in ISO C++ survey.


[image: AreCstdioAllowed.png]

[image: AreIostreamsAllowed.png]

iostream and cstdio are largely banned in C++ projects. Most programmers in
the world know them even they are not using C or C++, but they are also
largely banned and also part of reasons why a lot of programmers quit C and
C++ on the first day of their programming course.

We keep reinventing stuff for doing exactly the same thing what cstdio and
iostream were doing.

std::filesystem, charconv, fmt, C++ sync stream, boost iostreams, asio
Networking TS, LLFIO, Process, Executors (cppio). How many more do we
have????? N+1???

They are doing the same thing with minor differences from an operating
system perspective. Unfortunately, they are all designed for a particular
purpose and never intended to talk with each other efficiently. Often,
using them will still invoke calls on iostreams. iostreams are mostly
implemented with FILE* in the mainstream implementation. The performance of
stdio and iostream is terrible that defeats the purpose of using any of
band fixes. Even process ts and networking ts rely on iostream, and I think
it is a huge issue.

I see this as the same pattern of Herb Sutter’s previous deterministic
exception proposal. Probably worse than the situation of exceptions and
RTTI are. And also, I/O is the number one producer of exceptions. If we do
not solve the issue of C++ I/O system, we will also never be able to fix
the exception model in C++.

I do not use iostream either since I have recreated my I/O library, and it
is at least ten times faster and it can do charconv, fmt, networking ts,
process ts, iostream, stdio.h combined. I am one of the C++ community who
hates iostream, and I know I am not alone. I tried to search for all the
feedbacks on the internet to see the reasons people why people banned or
hated C++’s iostream. I also read a lot of security papers about the entire
I/O. Here are legitimate reasons why people do not like it.

1. C++ iostream is not zero overhead, including binary size, dependencies,

However, unlike Herb Sutter, I do not blame everything on why people are
banning one feature in C++ because it violates the zero-overhead principle.
I think people ban one feature for a lot of reasons. Some ban one feature
because they need to support legacy toolchains.

Here is an example in Linux Kernel C programmers ban // comments and
blaming on us.

However, it is a legitimate reason why people are banning it.
Zero overhead means two things.
a. You do not pay for what you do not use.
Even I do not use iostream, iostream will still be loaded into my memory
with C++ runtime (libstdc++, libc++, MSVC abis) and bloat my binary size
when I statically compile it. A common misunderstanding of dynamic linking
is that people think it is free. It is not. It will incur runtime overhead,
and that is why new languages like Rust do not use dynamic linking.

A standard security exploit is what we called Return-oriented Programming.
Return-to-libc is one of the worst examples of ROP. C++’s stream and the
entire C++ runtime rely on libc. iostream/fstream rely on FILE*, and they
are also dynamic linking, which create a huge amount of attack space in C++
and severely harms the entire security in fact of C++. The modern operating
system uses Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) to prevent ROP and
SOP. However, it is not mandatory. In GCC, it requires -fPIC and -fPIE
compilation toggle to enable it and a lot of C++ programs are not using it.
It is neither free. ASLR, as a kind of abstraction, incurs runtime cost,
which further harms the performance of C++.

b. If you do use it, you cannot reasonably do it better by your own.

Here is a benchmark of stdio.h, iostream, charconv compared to my I/O
library for outputting integers from 0 to 9999999 to file.
On Linux, the benchmark looks like this:

std::FILE*: 0.6126s // fprintf(“%zu\n”,i);
std::ofstream: 0.5514s // fout<<i<<’\n’;
std::ofstream with tricks: 0.3881s // fout<<i; rdbuf.sputc(‘\n’);
std::to_chars rdbuf tricks:0.2207s // rdbuf.sputn result buffer of
std::to_chars obuf_file: 0.1505s // std::to_chars and then call
obuf_file’s write
obuf_file: 0.0730s // my library
obuf_file floating: 0.6084s // my library using ryu algorithm
obuf_file int hint: 0.1253s // my library using ryu algorithm + an
integer hint
transform_text: 0.1556s // my library then convert to text file
                                   // ‘\n’ with windows “\r\n”)
transform_ebcdic: 0.1128s // Use EBCDIC encoding for the result
based on
                                   // IBM’s documentation
u8obuf_file: 0.0698s // my library but the character type is
u8obuf_file: 0.0932s // my library but the character type is
                                   // use a slow but space-saving algorithm
onative_file dynamic: 0.0709s // Use buffer, do virtual function calls
with write
c_file: 0.1301s // unlock the file and then exploit
FILE*’s internal.
                                   // Use my library’s algorithm + avoid
locale +
                                   // implementation’s buffer pointer.
c_file_unlocked: 0.0876s // exploit FILE*’s internal
implementation’s buffer
                                   // pointer, use my library’s algorithm +
                                   // locale + implementation’s buffer
pointer and do
                                   // not unlock the file.
cpp_fout_view: 0.0871s // use a cpp_fout view for getting
eptr() exploit
                                   // stream’s buffer, use my library’s
algorithm +
                                   // avoid locale + implementation’s
buffer pointer.
obuf_file_mutex: 0.0758s // my library + mutex for synchronization
fbh: 0.1560s // use a fout view for getting eptr()
                                   // stream’s buffer, use my library’s
algorithm +
                                   // avoid locale + implementation’s
buffer pointer.
fast_io::concat: 0.1775s // my library convert to std::string and
then print
fmt::format_int obuf_file: 0.1404s // exploit fmt::format_int and then call
write on
                                   // my library
fmt::print: 0.6204s // use fmt::print
fmt::format: 0.6542s // use fmt::format

stdio.h and iostream are ten times slower than my I/O library on windows
for this benchmark.


On windows the performance of stdio.h and iostream is even 2 times worse.

This benchmark explains a lot. Replacing any part of stdio and iostream
won’t improve performance at all.

Using fmt is slower than what it should be on Linux since the formatter
still to be parsed at runtime and then invoke very inefficient calls on
ofstream internal rdbuf().

Bandfix solutions do not work at all. Charconv and fmt has to run fast with
my I/O library since I reimplement output buffer and avoid any virtual
function call. Even with these bandfix might gain performance back, it is
still slow since they do not have an efficient way to talk with buffer
stream’s internal buffer, like in place parsing without a temporary result

BTW, C++’s iostream and stdio.h are so slow that even 2-5 times slower than
AES CTR encryption (with hardware acceleration) and speck (with no hardware

u8obuf_file ecb speck: 0.223634507s
u8obuf_file ecb aes: 0.099731052s
u8obuf_file cbc speck: 0.24069229400000003s
u8obuf_file cbc aes: 0.19090358500000001s
u8obuf_file ctr le aes: 0.20166913900000003s
u8obuf_file ctr le speck: 0.217204805s
u8obuf_file ctr be aes: 0.204318464s
u8obuf_file ctr be speck: 0.213630696s

For floating point, it is the same pattern. And GCC does not even implement
charconv for floating point
since no fully implemented algorithms can be used for printing long double

fprintf: 4.093168241s
ofstream: 5.268303850000001s
ofstream tricks: 5.105532644s
ofstream: 6.151441194s
cstyle file: 0.575491302s
cstyle file unlocked: 2.2435566860000002s
c_file_unlocked: 0.546750422s
obuf_file: 0.448763051s
u8obuf_file grisu_exact: 0.447062063s
u8obuf_file int hint: 0.47049970700000004s
stream_view: 0.8569448700000001s
obuf_file_mutex: 0.47617574900000004s

You can see the performance is really really bad for floating point and the
precisions are half compared to
algorithms like ryu and grisu-exact. De facto, the performance gap is at
least 100 times.

-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 csfdb1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 csfdb2.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 83889322 Feb 20 15:52 csfdb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 obuf_filedb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 obuf_file_mutexdb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 83889322 Feb 20 15:52 ofs_tricks.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 83889322 Feb 20 15:52 ofs.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 smvdb.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52
-rw-r--r-- 1 cqwrteur cqwrteur 186618439 Feb 20 15:52 u8obuf_filedb_hint.txt

2. C++ I/O system security is pretty bad. Think of this code

std::ofstream fout(“demo.txt”);
fout<<”Hello World\n”;

The code is bad since demo.txt might be a symlink. It might link to
and the exploiter might gain privilege* and unfortunately unlike POSIX’s
open/openat’s providing an O_NOFOLLOW option. It won’t fail at all.

Not only it has TOCTOU security vulnerabilities like Niall Douglas claimed
in his LLFIO proposal, even without TOC, just TOU part is a vulnerability.

For C’s FILE*, the POSIX standard provides fdopen, which allows you for
opening a FILE* with fdopen. However, no portable method in C++ of how to
use an fd or a FILE* to construct a std::ofstream.

std::filesystem does not integrate with C++’s stream system.
std::filesystem has been criticized by Herb Sutter and Niall Douglas by
providing a bad interface. I think another issue is that no elegant way to
use that as interface for constructing C++ fstream which leaves the TOCTOU

Second security vulnerablity is that std::ofstream is not process safe. No
O_CLOEXEC tag for opening std::ofstream, which means file descriptors might
leak to the child processes.

Sure, we can do bandfix to these issues for adding std::ios::nofollow and
std::ios::cloexec options like POSIX does, but it does not solve the issue
that C++ programs won’t use them in real practice. Most People do not read

Third, std::cout/std::cerr is not process safe, same with std::FILE* since
they do not try to exploit the atomicity of system calls (write). To
achieve that, the correct method should be to write to std::string and then
flush out once. We are not that world today since C++ abstract machine does
not understand the existence of other processes and virtual memory space.
Vtable injection and Type confusion issue of C++ stream system which leaves
huge amount of attack space on C++ stream.

These security weakness are not fixable or native fixing will break a lot
of existing C++ code base. LLFIO tried to solve the issue of that, but it
still relies on some part of stream when you actually need to use it, which
is same issue as filesystem, charconv and fmt in my opinion, just in
another manner. They all have an integration issues which mean most people
will not use it in real practice. It also does not worth the effort of
library vendors to implement them.

3. No portable way to gain native handle from stream.

Here is an article fileno(3) on C++ Streams: A Hacker's Lament
The guy tried to hack file descriptor in C++ streams.
I just extract some part of his code.

# if defined(__GLIBCXX__) // >= GCC 3.4.0
 // This applies to cin, cout and cerr when not synced with stdio:
 typedef __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<charT, traits> unix_filebuf_t;
 unix_filebuf_t* fbuf = dynamic_cast<unix_filebuf_t*>(stream.rdbuf());
 if (fbuf != NULL) {
   return fbuf->fd();
 // This applies to filestreams:
 typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, traits> filebuf_t;
 filebuf_t* bbuf = dynamic_cast<filebuf_t*>(stream.rdbuf());
 if (bbuf != NULL) {
   // This subclass is only there for accessing the FILE*. Ouuwww, sucks!
   struct my_filebuf : public std::basic_filebuf<charT, traits> {
     int fd() { return this->_M_file.fd(); }
   return static_cast<my_filebuf*>(bbuf)->fd();
 // This applies to cin, cout and cerr when synced with stdio:
 typedef __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf<charT, traits> sync_filebuf_t;
 sync_filebuf_t* sbuf = dynamic_cast<sync_filebuf_t*>(stream.rdbuf());

He is right, it sucks.

BTW, this code is not portable at all. It differs from versions and
compiler. Clang, unfortunately, does not
provide any public methods to gain native_handle(). FILE* is completely

4. iostream relies on dynamic_cast and RTTI which mean RTTI will never get
deprecated or removed from C++.

In CPPCON 2019, Herb Sutter proposed a std::down_cast to provide an
efficient alternative to dynamic cast. However, stream does not apply to
this since it is implemented by virtual inheritance. Just like code in 3 to
gain file descriptor will break at all.

iostream’s complex inheritance graph has been a long term issue of the
langauge. It has been taught by many schools of bad examples of C++. Multi
inheritance is considered bad in a lot of languages and java forbids
multi-inheritance. C++ stream is probably the worst inheritance hierarchy
in real world large code base.

5. mainstream iostream and fstream implementation relies on FILE*
Unfortunately, C++ standard never forbids that.

6. transmit and zero copy io issue
C++ does not provide a portable interface for zero copy I/O.
What really piss me off in network TS is the read/write pair. I think
read/write pair is a problem. We should give it a name called transmit
instead of read/write.
Unfortunately we focus too much on async I/O In Niall Douglas’s LLFIO
proposal, he said that due to the improvement of operating system, sync
I/O+ thread pool usually performs better than async I/O. I think he is
totally right.

task<> tcp_echo_server() {
 char data[1024];
 for (;;) {
   size_t n = co_await socket.async_read_some(buffer(data));
   co_await async_write(socket, buffer(data, n));
awaitable<void> listener()
 auto executor = co_await this_coro::executor;
 tcp::acceptor acceptor(executor, {tcp::v4(), 55555});
 for (;;)
   tcp::socket socket = co_await acceptor.async_accept(use_awaitable);
   [socket = std::move(socket)]() mutable
     return echo(std::move(socket));


int main()
  tcp_server hd(2000);
  thread_pool_accept<acceptor>(hd,[](auto& acc)

An async echo server should be simple as this and I do not need char
data[1024] at all. It creates security vulnerability. Directly accessing
buffer should be avoided by C++ I/O library and replace it with transmit,
print and scan.

However, network TS does not integrate with other part of C++ system which
means we cannot do file to network zero copy I/O at all with network ts.
Using transmit would permit further optimization by the library vendors
since they could optimize more than users could do.

8. error codes of iostream and stdio.
They do not use exceptions and ignoring error codes are serious security
vulnerabilities of C and C++ code.
Herb Sutter’s zero-overhead deterministic exception will provide solutions
but stdio and iostream won’t
change due to compatibility of issue. That is why we need a new I/O library
to completely replace stdio and

9. iomanip’s exception safety issue


C++ <iostream> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input/output_(C%2B%2B)> unlike
C <stdio.h> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_file_input/output> relies on a
global format state. This fits very poorly together with exceptions
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling>, when a function must
interrupt the control flow, after an error, but before resetting the global
format state. One fix for this is to use Resource Acquisition Is
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Acquisition_Is_Initialization> (RAII)
which is implemented in Boost
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_C%2B%2B#cite_note-14> but is
not a part of the C++ Standard Library

This is another issue why iostream is not fixable at all. Global format is
a mistake

10. Terrible diagnostic of iostream. Think of how terrible the diagnostic
would be when try to output a type without defining operator<< or
mis-define operator<<

For example, try to use
std::cout<<std::cin; //The user wants to do std::cout<<std::cin.rdbuf();

GCC emits 255 Lines of error messages, most of them are useless because of
overloading. Just one line of code produces pages of error messages are

/usr/local/include/c++/10.0.1/bits/ostream.tcc:106:20: note: no known
conversion for argument 1 from
‘std::istream’ {aka ‘std::basic_istream<char>’} to ‘int’
 106 | operator<<(int __n)
 | ~~~~^~~
In file included from /usr/local/include/c++/10.0.1/iostream:39,
 from wwwwww.cc:1:
/usr/local/include/c++/10.0.1/ostream:192:7: note: candidate:
_Traits>::__ostream_type& std::basic_ostream<_CharT,
_Traits>::operator<<(unsigned int) [with _CharT =
char; _Traits = std::char_traits<char>; std::basic_ostream<_CharT,
_Traits>::__ostream_type =
 192 | operator<<(unsigned int __n)
 | ^~~~~~~~
/usr/local/include/c++/10.0.1/ostream:192:31: note: no known conversion for
argument 1 from
‘std::istream’ {aka ‘std::basic_istream<char>’} to ‘unsigned int’
 192 | operator<<(unsigned int __n)
 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
/usr/local/include/c++/10.0.1/ostream:201:7: note: candidate:
_Traits>::__ostream_type& std::basic_ostream<_CharT,
_Traits>::operator<<(long long int) [with _CharT =
char; _Traits = std::char_traits<char>; std::basic_ostream<_CharT,
_Traits>::__ostream_type =
 201 | operator<<(long long __n)
 | ^~~~~~~~

11. locale

locale is useful. However, I think locale can be implemented in many better
ways than C and C++ locale do. Even World of Warcraft AddOns Ace3Locale
library does better job of localization than C and C++ locale system could

BTW, it should not be as a default option. It hurts the deterministic and
performance of C and C++.

I have solutions to fix these issues but this is not a proposal for that.

12. charconv is a mistake.
C++17 filesystem is a problem, but charconv is worse. charconv was a C++ 17
library to fast format char arrays to integers or vice verse.

Unfortunately, this library is a mistake and Jonathan Wakely (libstdc++
tamer) completely agrees with me.

a. No algorithm in the world to satisfy all the requirements of C++
standard since it requires too many formats.
Precise fixed with precisions. Precise scientific with precisions. Precise
hex with precisions. Precise shortest with precisions. These requirements
cannot be fully implemented. No algorithms could achieve that. Even Ryu
algorithm could not.
long double in VC is as long as double. However, long double GCC and Clang
is 128 bits. Ryu algorithm does not provide fixed precisions, scientific
precisions formatting for long double.

b. error codes
Why does the library produces error codes instead of exceptions??? It is
another mistake since people will ignore it and become a security

c. directly access character buffer provides security vulnerability.
Again. Why?? Why do I need to touch buffer. Buffer is a problem, just like
async_read and async_write has. Buffer should be considered as pointers.
Avoid it as much as possible for a library interface.

d. does not provide efficient std::string formatting.
It does not produce std::string. Sure you can use charconv on local buffer
and then copy content to construct std::string. However, that is another
performance lost when we cannot do it in std::string’s internal space,
because like I said, these libraries have integration issues with other

e. does not provide character support for wchar_t, char8_t, char16_t,
char32_t etc.
Bandfix to charconv is not efficient and proved by my benchmarks in
previous point. I think charconv should be deprecated in the future
standard just like std::regex. std::fmt might face the same fate in the
future, we will see what it would happen.

13. Debugging issue of std::cout/printf
One reason people banned std::cout/print is that they only use that for
debugging. I also have solutions to fix this part of issue.

14. GUI application
GUI usually does not have a console and that is one reason my friend who
writes machine learning code is not using it. I have solution to that
problem as well just like 13 point.

15. Freestanding I/O
I do not buy the argument I/O is completely useless in freestanding
environment. At least most part of I/O templates should work. I am creating
a new testing operating system to test that.

16. No way to talk with stream and stdio directly and efficiently

Unfortunately, we use them everyday but they cannot talk with each other. I
have solution to that as well.

Here are the N+1 issue of C++ io system. I think we need a new I/O library
to replace stdio.h and iostream at all instead of creating separate part
and become more and more N+1 issues. Finally they shared the same fate as
std::regex did. I just want a fast integer to file output methods.

Sure my library proves they can all be fixed. My library can even coexist
and exploit the performance existing facilities. However, other people
might create better solutions than I have. However, I hope it is not an N+1
problem. It better be N+1-N = 1 problem. I think time to fix it is
appropriate since Herb Sutter’s deterministic exception would be a good
time point to fix this part of issue as well.

[1] charconv https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/charconv
[2] filesystem https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/filesystem
[3] Time-of-check to time-of-use
[4] Secure Coding in C and C++
[5] Return-oriented programming
[6] https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
[7] fast_io library https://bitbucket.org/ejsvifq_mabmip/fast_io
[8] Zero-overhead deterministic exceptions: Throwing values
[9] P1031R2: Low level file i/o library
[10] Asio C++ Library https://github.com/chriskohlhoff/asio
[11] CWE-403: Exposure of File Descriptor to Unintended Control Sphere
('File Descriptor Leak') http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/403
[12] An Example of Multiple Inheritance in C++: A Model of the Iostream
Library https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/70931.70935
[13] Debloating Software through Piece-Wise Compilation and Loading
[14] P1750R1 A Proposal to Add Process Management to the C++ Standard
Library http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2019/p1750r1.pdf
[15] Criticism of C++
[16] C++ IO survey

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 3:27 PM Shengdun Wang via Std-Proposals <
std-proposals_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> ------------------------------
> *From:* Shengdun Wang <swang206_at_[hidden]>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2020 6:02:51 PM
> *To:* std-proposals_at_[hidden] <std-proposals_at_[hidden]>
> *Subject:* N+1 Problem of C++ I/O facilities
> Recently I did a simple survey on google forms. My statistics show 48% of
> C++ projects banned iostream in part or whole of their project. The
> statistics look very similar to Herb Sutter’s Survey on C++ exceptions.
> Around half of C++ projects banned iostream.
> --
> Std-Proposals mailing list
> Std-Proposals_at_[hidden]
> https://lists.isocpp.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/std-proposals

Received on 2020-02-20 19:30:09