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Proposal to simplify creating constructors

From: Oleksii Tarasiuk <o.tarasiuk_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 20:17:13 +0100
Hi all!

Let's assume we have the following class:
// [Case 1]
class Person {
  string name_;
  Date birthDate_;
  //.... other data members.
  Person(string&& name, Date const& birthDate, SomeOtherType someOtherArg)
    : name_(forward<string>(name), birthDate_(birthDate)
    // use someOtherArg to further init the instance of Person.

I propose to add support for the following simplified form which is equivalent to [Case 1]:

// [Case 2]
class Person {
  string name_;
  Date birthDate_;
  //.... other data members.
  Person(auto&& .name_, auto const& .birthDate_, SomeOtherType someOtherArg)
    // use someOtherArg to further init the instance of Person.

Best regards,
Oleksii Tarasiuk                          mailto:o.tarasiuk_at_[hidden]

Received on 2020-02-06 13:19:56